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Examination of vital signs


Ms. NOVA was hospitalized complaining of pain in the head accompanied by fever,

nausea and vomiting. The patient said the pain felt since one day ago. The patient

also said to have a habit of eating spicy and sour foods

( Ny. N masuk rumah sakit dengan mengeluh nyeri dibagian kepala disertai

demam, mual dan muntah. Pasien pengatakan nyeri yang dirasakan sejak 1 hari

yang lalu. Pasien juga mengatakan mempunyai kebiasaan makan makanan pedas

dan asam)

Nurse : “Assalamualaikum, excuse me sir. I want to check the patient first. excuse me

Patient Family : “Yes, Nurse”

Nurse : “Good morning. Introduce my name is AIRIN. I was a nurse on duty from two
in the day until nine the night. Is this true with Mrs. Nova?”

Patient : “ Yes Nurse”

Nurse : “ Well, at this time I will do a vital sign check on you. This check takes a few

minutes. Please cooperate, mrs.”

Patient : “ Yes, Nurse”

Nurse : “ First, I will measure body temperature using a thermometer and will

put it in the armpits of you, excuse me, can lift your arms?”

Patient : “ Yes, I can lift it, nurse”

Nurse : “ First, I will measure blood pressuer using a tensimeter and stethoscope, excuse
me mrs, I'm going to put a tensimeter cuff on your arm"

Patient : “Yes, Please!”

Nurse : “next I will check the pulse, mrs”

Patient : “ Yes, Nurse”

Nurse : “ I have finished checking vital signs. According to the results of the
examination of maternal blood pressure of one hundred thirty per eighty

mmHg, pulse ninety time per minute and body temperature thirty-nine degrees

Celsius. Well, then let me g out first. If you need something, please contact me

in the nurse’s office!. Assalamualikum”

Patient’s Family : “Yes, nurse. Thank you nurse. Waalaikumsalam”

Nurse : “ You’re welcome!”



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