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The “Epic of Gilgamesh” is both a religious treatise and seminal work of ancient literature. Exploring
issues of friendship, mortality, heroism, and humanity’s relationship to the divine, it lacks the expected
“happy ending.” Rather, the Epic is a cautionary tale identifying man’s failings without providing much
hope for the future.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a classic work of myth, and a must-read for all who desire a fuller
understanding of ancient Sumerian culture. It does contain mild sexual implications (Enkidu is “tamed”
by a prostitute), but such content is not included to titillate. While the story is dark, brooding, and
ultimately remains unresolved, it offers a glimpse into the hopelessness of Sumerian religion. Having
read the Epic, I could better appreciate the eternal promise offered to Abraham in Genesis 12. This was
the great benefit of reading the Epic – its despairing philosophy dramatically contrasts with the hope
and freedom offered to the great Old Testament saints.

The Epic is definitely an important piece of Western culture, and a fascinating window into ancient
Mesopotamian civilization. And, if you like books like the “Odyssey,” it makes for a good read.

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