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First of all, all praises to Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and
blessing so that we can attend this Munzalan Tijaarah Centre Kick Off
Meeting without any troubles at all.

Sholawat and salutation upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, the last messenger,
the best figure of this universe, who has saved his community and society from the
darkness to the lightness from immoral to moral society. My dear muslim brother.
Today all joy and boon, hopefully will be blessed to all of us.

As a master of ceremony, I will read our agenda for today:

a. The first agenda is opening
b. The following agenda is reciting Al-Mulk altogether
c. The third is singing National Anthem, Indonesia Raya
d. The fourth is MTC 2021 presentation by the honorable Al-Ustadz Adia
e. Fifth is advice and prayers by the honorable Al-Ustadz KH. Luqmanulhakim
and gift giving by MTC
f. Next agenda is Motivational session by the honorable Al-Ustadz Andika
Putra Rianda
g. Last but not least is a reward session
h. And lastly, closing

2. Pembacaan Al Mulk
Well, to take the advantage of time, we directly step on to the second agenda. Let
us have your own Mushaf, we’re going to read Al-Mulk led by Al-Ustadz Ary

4. Presentasi MTC 2021

Let us have the next agenda. MTC 2021 Presentation by Al-Ustadz Adia Nugraha.
And now I would like to invite the honorable Al-Ustadz Adia Nugraha. Please

6. Pembukaan simbolis untuk MTC 2021

Now, let us continue to the next Agenda. Symbolic opening for MTC 2021

8. Ishoma
My dear muslim brother, Dzuhur time has come. By then, there will be a break
time for all of us. The event will be started at 1 pm. Thank you for cooperation.
Assalamu’alaykum wr. wb.
10. Reward Announcement
Next agenda is reward announcement by Syarifarahdina Putri Harahap. For dina,
time is yours…

Finally, we come the end of this event. To close this event let’s recite “hamdalah”.

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