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250263 “TRAUMEREL Arranged as a Quartett for Two Violins, Viola & Cello by JOHN REYNOLDS. 1st VIOLIN, Rogert ScHUMANN. a Moderato cantabile. a P ——===a__— mm rall_molto. a ‘2 —————— Hawkes & Son, 26 Leicester 8q London, W: C. 2704 apo rene _ > HIGH-CLASS VIOLINS. i moderate price, Messrs. Hawees Street, Leicester Square, for the apt tra rap ia Fi F seers wee High-class English-made String Instruments, and for this purpose they nave engaged the services of one ofthe best Parisian Makers, who has for some years m Viotins and ther Lnstrtments forthe principal Artes af the Pars Conseratore. ‘This Mager was a Pupil of tbe Clebratod Vullaume, and was in his workshop for many years snd when in tases fr imelf he took the flowing tnedals for the excclence of his work and varnish—vie, Par, 1878, 1890, and 1882, Gold Medals; Syoney, Oya ane ire Ol Varah on th hasbeen the subject of special study and The Oil Varnish on these Ynstmests has been the subject of special study and experiments for some and it hae reached a sate of perfection which we believe is urknowa to ofhet makers, In appearance it is exception: ally fine and clear, and, combined with the Best wood wsed im manufacturing these Insumens, produces @ very Sahdaome eflct ‘The wood used iv apecally selected! for ws by an experienced’ Agent in Dohewta, end’ ts a of the best quality, well seasoned and exceplonallybesntifal in appearance ‘Messrs. Hayreas & SoN are at pfesert only taking conies of Stradivarius and Guamerivs, but are making arrangements wth the owners of fie specimens of Amati and Maggini Visline, and wll shortly be able to produce the same. Masses, Hawnes & Sox wish ito be thoroughly understood that their best String struments sre now mmanvfacrredenicely on their own premises, and are not imported from the Continent. ~ THE SIX-@UINEA CONCERT VIOLIN. (OUR OWN MAKE) Chant des Molssoneurs, 2s, nett. £6 6s. THE “PROFESSOR” VIOLIN, | THE “CONCERT” VIOLIN. MONE ARE GENUINE WITHOUT THIS LABE NONE ARE GENCINE WiTnOUT TRIS LABEL. | a THE CONCERT VIOLIN. | (REGISTERED.) | (REGISTERED) 1892. HAWKES & SON, 28, LEICESTER SQ, LONDON. 1892. HAWKES & SON, 28, LEICESTER SQ, LONDON. ‘made by the mon shitied_ workmen, and eminently — speialy made 07 Sead Bole Paya table for Toushing and Orchestral Playing. Picked Wood. Oi! Varnish mae me ae ad [Superior very fine Of Varnish, and specially Picked Wood, Oi! Varnish 82-2 0 | seloced Wood end Fitings (cor ona ak Gonté Idylle, 2s. nett. ‘Superior. very fine Oil Varnish, and especially ‘selected Wood and Flings = £3.90 “47 Hand thee quarter site Vion ae also mae ine cert and Professek qualities, but only the wo Professor quai eas each, are kept in Stock. ames HAWEES & SON, 28, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, wW.O. MANUFACTORY & MUSIC PRINTING DEPARTMENT—s4, CASTLE STREET Sole Agent for United States— 1. LEVERETT, 170, TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, MASS. U.S.A, OTTO LANGEY’S VIOLIN TUTOR IS THE BEST. 2s, 6d. nett; Postage, 3d. Two new VIOLONCELLO SOLOS by ERNEST GILLET, Composer of the celebrated “Loin

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