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15 Minute



15 Minute

1. Before You Post Engage

Engage = like , comment, and dm with genuine appreciation.

Go to your previous post and engage with audience that have
engaged in that post

2. While Posting Make sure your caption contains a story

behind what is in the creative/post

Ask you followers a question, or tell them to comment what

they think about it, ask them to ask any doubts, tell them to
support you, you can ask them to double tap if they resonate
with the content. Make sure you don’t over do this.

3. After Posting Tag Followers in comments

If few followers were asking you a question about something

and you made a post about it make sure you tag them in the
comments with a personalised context. Please do not spam.

4. Go live At least Once a week

It could be tough initially, get some followers on live with you to

answer their questions. When you go live, talk about a trending
topic in your industry that week and how that can help your
followers. Try going live with other influencers in your industry ir
could get you more followers…

5. Be Human

A lot of big social media page become so automated that they

forget that they are interacting with humans.
Be there for your followers, treat them with
respect,treat you platform like a business and ONE STOP
it will get the desired results.

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