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Diego Ramirez Falla -Focus 3

My name is Diego Ramirez Falla and I write about a survey of the four most spoken
languages in the world, also, I use as data the source “Bussu Blog”,in adittion the most
spoken languages in the world in 2020

In 2020 English is the most spoken language in the world with 1,132 million. After that
the Chinese language with 1.117 million people speaking it, next Hindi with 615 million
people in the world, finally Spanish is the four language most spoken in the world with
534 million.

In my humble opinion is important learn languages because it opens the doors of the
world and the language most spoken is English in my experience is important for me
because when I need to controller a electronic machine I need to read the datasheet
because all the datasheets are in English ,so If I learn perfect the English I can now all
the characteristic of a electronic machine and I will speak with different people in
English when I travel to US or other country in the world because is the language most
spoken in the world, finally is important to learn different languages for the professional
live and for communicate in different countries in the world and is the future for be a
good professional.

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