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MEE 111

St. Vincent’s College Incorporated

Name: _Janah Rechel M. Gallemit_____________________________

Date: ____December 21, 20202_______________________________
Score: ___________________________________________________

I. Grammar Analysis:

A. Underline the adverb or adverbial phrases of the following sentences, and draw an
arrow from each phrase to the word it modifies.

1. Run into the backyard and take the lawnmower out of the rain.

2. With great skill the pilot banked the plane toward the left.

3. The frightened hyenas ran across the roof and jumped into the tree.

4. That author often writes about marine life.

5. Lightning hit the barn during the storm.

B. Enclose with parentheses the following phrases and identify their types as
participial phrase, gerund phrase, and infinitive phrase in the spaces provided for.

Gerund phrase 1. The policeman, (running after the thief), finally caught up.
_Participial phrase___2. I am thankful to all of you for (giving me another chance).
_participal phrase_3. Gaillard ordered a sundae (dripping with hot fudge).
Infinitive phrase 4. My brother Gershwin generally travels (to work on the train).
____gerund phrase__5. Jose Rizal, (known to all of us the Great Malayan), was a genius man.
_gerund phrase___6. After one night of mosquito attacks the Wagner’s regretted (camping in the
_participial phrase__7. Thousands of spectators showed their interest by (following the pro
golfers around the course).
Gerund phrase__8. (Flying an airplane) in bad weather requires extensive training.
Participial phrase___9. The book (stolen) by somebody has been found at the back of the
Gerund phrase___10. In the summer the sun, (beating on the roads), melts the tar.

C. Underline the adjective clauses of the following sentences.

1. The day before the hurricane came had been sunny and mild.

2. The scene that reveals the heroine’s secret is the best.

3. Ziegler has no patience to a person who tells lie.

4. In the week since the report was filed, many of the facts have been changed.

5. The farmer whose horse was stolen consulted a lawyer.

D. Identify each sentence as simple, compound, complex, or compound – complex.

Write its classification according to structure and form to the spaces provided for.

compound 1. The chimpanzee shook the doll, and then he cuddled it in his arms.
compound 2. The game of tennis is fun, but I prefer basketball because it is safer.
complex 3. Days passed, yet the survivors of the plane crash still hoped to be rescued.
complex 4. We hoped that it would be sunny, but it was not.
complex 5. Stuck to his face, the gum looked like glue.
compound 6. The letter that he received was short, yet he read it very slowly.
compound-complex 7. The children grasped at their luck when they found the wallet, for they
were poor.
complex 8. The owner refuses to sell so the land bordering the highway will not be
complex 9. Zimmer and Zexia, unable to keep straight face, roared with laughter at the
absurdity of the situation.
complex 10. Eating as if they starved for days, the team devoured everything in the

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prepared by: Mr. Denise Adriatico…MTE/ MAEM/ MPA/ MBA

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