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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President
Administration and Finance
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010


I wish to personally congratulate each one of you and to extend congratulations

from the administration and non-teaching personnel of BASC to those of you who
will receive either undergraduate or graduate degrees. This is what you have
worked hard to achieve and have looked forward to since enrolling at BASC.

As you embark on a new chapter of your life, always remember that learning
does not stop inside the classroom. You will be a student as long as you still
have something to learn, and this will mean all your life. Every experience in life
will teach you something. You just need to keep an open mind and open heart to
see what lessons the world has to offer.

As a BASC graduate, you have demonstrated the commitment, creativity and talent
you need to succeed in your chosen career. It is very important that you take
charge of your future, not to feel like you’re a victim of circumstance or fate, but
that you are an active participant in your future. Where you choose to focus your
time and energy will directly impact what comes to you later in life.

I encourage you to work hard, set goals for your life, and stay focused on those
goals.  Keep your eyes on your goals and don’t let anyone or anything deter you
from achieving them.

Graduates, while I congratulate you for your achievements, I wish that you
continue to try your very best in working with perseverance, commitment and

Best wishes.


Vice-President for Administration and Finance

____________________________________________________________ / Email:
Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-VPAFBA-QSF-01/Rev.03 (08.10.2020)

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