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Big Stuf Oreo

In 1984, Nabisco took "more is better" to a new extreme with the introduction of the Oreo Big Stuf,
which was about 10 times the size of a normal Oreo. Big Stuf cookies were sold in a box of 10, with each
packaged individually. But the sizable creation was discontinued after seven years. Fast Company
offered a few possible reasons why. One was that the Big Stuf was just too big for its target
demographic. It took 20 minutes to eat an entire Big Stuf, according to reviewers, and that was way too
long for a kid or even an adult to spend snacking on one humongous cookie.

Also, those who enjoy Oreos usually twist the cookie apart to taste the center first, dunk the whole
cookie in milk, or do a little bit of both. However, with such a large cookie, consumers couldn't do their
usual habits easily. They either had to eat a lot of the Big Stuf before pulling it apart or break it into
pieces to fit into a glass of milk. And with the release of new USDA dietary guidelines and the Food
Pyramid in the '80s, people became more health-conscious and less willing to treat themselves to a
gigantic Oreo that contained 316 calories and 13 grams of fat. But in today's world of viral food
challenges, the Big Stuf would fit right in.

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