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Good morning to my fellow teacher. My name is Yamunaashree and I am

from class 3 Aludra. Today, I will be sharing you a real life story that you
will be fascinated about. The tittle of my story is THE HOMELESS ARTIST.
I hope you are excited to listen to this story so, buckle up your seatbelt
cause you are going for a trip.

A man named Richard Hutchins was a very happy man. Being a

famous artist he is, he was well-known to the whole world. All the
celebrities from around the world would hit him up to ask him to draw
them. Richard Hutchins was very happy as he loved see the smile on his
fans face as he became an artist just to make people happier and follow
his unlimited dream of a famous artist.

Unfortunately for him, it was the ending … He was returning home

after giving out his paintings to his friends. When he get closer he
started to smell smoke, from his house direction. Moreover he started to
hear firefighter sirens. He ran quickly as possible to the direction of the
sound and smell. Richard heart started to sank as he saw the tragedy
infront of his eyes. Its like his whole world fall apart as he saw his house
was burnt down in hot flames.

Now Richard stood there speechless, tears flowing down his face. He
couldn’t express himself as he felt lost and sad more like broken in his
heart. Now, not knowing where to go or what to do Richard went to a
near building and sat there still shock. He had nothing with him except
his old paints and some brushes. He thought it was the end for him and
soon he will suffer.

A few weeks have past, Richard was still sad and hungry. He started to
beg for money just so he could feed himself. Every people that walk past
him will scold or misjudged him by telling him that he is just a drug
addict and do not deserve the money. Sometimes, people will just tell
mean things to him which hurted him mentally.

One day, a man named Charlie Rocket was walking past by and noticed
Richard asking two people for money but as normally, people started to
misjudged him. Richard try to tell him their story but they wouldn’t
listen. Charlie felt really bad then he went up to him and gave hime
some money. Richard was touched and thank him. As Charlie was as
curious as a fox he decided to ask Richard about his story. ” Heu, Um..
not trying to be nosy but I couldn’t help but to overhear that you used to
work with celebrities?” Richard was surprised but was also happy that
someone was interested. Richard told him yes and ask him to look his
name up in the Internet to make sure. Charlie immediately look his
name up and he was shocked and astonished to see his drawing . It was
so beautiful that he couldn’t stop looking at it. But seeing this he
couldn’t understand how he ended up here. Seeing the look on Charlie
face Richard told him “ Hey look(x4) I know I ain’t much to look at
standing here… but I used to have my own studio until santo monica
fires burned it to ground. I lost all my paintings, lost all my art supplies.
Charlie, I lost everything!”. He told him in sadness. Charlie felt really
sorry and ask him “ What are you gonna do Richard” I don’t know what I
am going to do but I don’t want to sit on the curb no more Charlie, I
don’t want to hold the sign anymore , I don’t want to sit out here
everyday begging people for money so that I can get myself something
to eat!... I just miss making people happy” Richard felt down crying
feeling down and broken. Charlie felt sad and comfort him telling that
everything will be okay. Inspired by him Charlie decide to help him

The next day Charlie came and wanted to surprise him but when he
arrived there were no sight of him. He looked around and ask someone
did they saw him. A young lady told him that due blood clots all over his
legs and he couldn’t walk anymore, so they have take him to nearest
hospital. Hearing this Charlie ran as fast as he could to nearest hospital
and ask the nurse about him. The nurse brought him to a room where he
was held. “ Richard, are you okay?” asked Charlie. ‘ Honestly, It’s pretty
bad. They got it all wrapped up, and the doctor say, they might cut it off.
I just don’t know what to do Charlie.I just feel like I can’t win” he cried
and tell him. ‘ Hey Don’t talk like that . Okay, from now on positive
thoughts only ok. Because your thoughts become your reality”chimed
Charlie. Listening to bright words from Charlie he smiled and nodded. As
his surprised, he was reports that he will be well soon and can leave the
hospital tomorrow. Hearing this news Charlie and Richard smiled happily

The, following day Charlie came and picked up Richard. “ Hey Richard I
have a suprise for you” A surprise for me ??” questioned Richard. Charlie
quickly showed him the surprise. Richard was very happy and shocked to
see all the arts supplies that he got. He quickly hugged him and told
Thank you as he can paint again. Richard quickly started to get painted
he was so happy that he could finally paint again. He draw so many
beautiful drawings that even people who walk by stopped to admire it.
After a few hours, Charlie came to see Richard and was surprised and
mezmerised to see his drawing. ‘ Hey Charlie, you like it??” he asked. ‘
Yeah, I love it its pretty but I have another surprise for you”Charlie
chimed happily. He quickly took his laptop and show him “ I have
created a website for you. It’s got your whole story. I’ve been sharing it
on social media, and people are going crazy for it! We are going to start
selling your drawings in any minute” he told excitedly. ‘ What for me! Oh
I can’t thank you enough Charlie. For everything you do!” They excitedly
sit infront of the computer for people to purchase his drawing. But soon
enough, his drawing started to sell like hot cakes and soon everything
was sold. Not even second He made a million dollar by selling all his
paintings through online.

Two months passed, Now Richard became an aspiring artist and was
well-known all around the world. He was having a meet and greet with
his fans. When one of themask how did you make it this far. He took a
deep breath and told” Two months ago, I was homeless, I was sleeping
out there in the streets. I had to beg people for money people just think
that your life is over and if im being honest. I thought my life was over
too!!’” everyone went silent hearing it. He continued “But then
somebody reminded me that I should never give up hope. Somebody
reminded me to never let nothing to break my spirit and that I should
never ever give up on my dream. Hearing this everyone clapped and
cheered for him hearing his inspired speech. Richard eyes filled with
tears and dropped all over his chubby cheeked as he looked up at the
clear cheerful sky softly and told Thank you Charlie for everything I’ll
miss you my dear friend….

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