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Generally, when we define “Identity”- it is the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or

expressions that make a person or group whereas one can regard the awareness; and the
categorizing of identity as positive or as destructive. As for a psychological identity, it
relates to self-image, self-esteem, and individuality. Typically, this kind of topic is one of the
main reasons why many people are having trouble in categorizing things between what they
want and what they truly need - affecting their decision making resulting to unexpected
consequences. Therefore, the person's principles or standards of behavior -one's judgment
of what is important in life in many ways. These aspects signify a degree of importance of
some thing or action, with the goal of knowing, what are the best things to do or identifying
the best way of living. In describing the significance of different actions: traits are a
distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person. Then,
combined together, the Filipino Identity has a unique set of values and traits that helps
him stand apart from the others. Meanwhile, when we talk about politics, it is more on-
about the people who will make rules for the harmony and peacefulness of one specific
country. Also, responsible for stabilizing or giving growth for the status of nation’s economy
giving its countrymen a better and healthy way of living. However, every individual has its
own identity and perspective; different method of giving solutions to every problems or
events that they might encounter.

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