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Who Are Some Famous Heroes?

There’s more to heroism than simply being a public figure. The passion and purpose
of the following men and women have made a better world. Here are a few of our
favorite people who have made many amazing contributions to our world today:

George Washington Carver- Although born into slavery, Carver overcame many
obstacles to become one of the most extraordinary botanists, inventors, and heroes
in American history. His discoveries empowered farmers to unlock the power of the
peanut, improve soil nutrients, and feed their families. His scientific advances
have improved the lives of people worldwide.
Clara Barton – Few organizations have the footprint of the American Red Cross. And
Clara Barton founded the organization in 1881 after providing support to soldiers.
Today, the American Red Cross is among the most prominent charitable organizations
in the world! You can still help her cause when you book an appointment to donate
blood to those in need.
Lynda Blackmon Lowery – She may not be one of the most famous heroes in American
history. However, Lowery is one of the most dedicated activists around. This Civil
Rights advocate had been jailed eleven times before turning 15! In her book Turning
15 on the Road to Freedom, Lowery bravely shares her story of the 1965 voting
rights march.
Thomas Edison- Edison only lasted three months in formal schooling, but that didn't
stop him from later becoming one of the greatest inventors of all time. By the time
of his death, he had over 1500 patents and had founded 14 companies, including
General Electric. Every time you turn on a lightbulb, you can thank Edison!
famous heroesfamous heroes
Who Are Some Great Leaders?
Many political and religious figures have graced the world stage. But the following
famous heroes have also helped pave the way for justice for generations to come.

Abraham Lincoln – To this day, Lincoln is considered one of the best presidents in
American history. He led the country as President of the United States from March
4, 1861, until his assassination on April 15, 1865. Lincoln’s abolition of slavery
stands as one of his greatest achievements.
Mother Teresa – One of the most humble heroes in history, Mother Teresa started the
Missionaries of Charity in 1950. She dedicated herself to serving the poor and won
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She was canonized by Pope Francis in 2016.
Nelson Mandela – Mandela’s recent passing in 2013 may have seemed to unite the
world. However, it was his anti-apartheid activism that led to his legacy. Mandela
served as South Africa’s first black president from 1994 to 1999, working towards
civil rights and tackling racism and apartheid.
Susan B. Anthony- Her tenacity and passion for empowering American women with the
right to vote are still inspiring us today. Her efforts paved the way for many
future women in American politics, from Kamala Harris to Nikki Haley.
Who Are Some American Heroes?
Who are famous heroes of the 20th century? Amelia EarhartWho are famous heroes of
the 20th century? Amelia Earhart
Beyond political figures and activists, many artists and explorers also inspire

Samuel Clemens – The name might not sound familiar, but this writer is better known
by his pen name, Mark Twain. As one of the United States heroes, Twain is the man
behind the great American novel. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the
most beloved books of all time.
Katherine Johnson -- Her brilliant orbital calculations were crucial to helping the
United States launch an astronaut into space. You can learn more about her
contributions and life in the film, Hidden Figures.
Amelia Earhart– As the first female aviator to take a transatlantic flight,
Amelia's passion for science and adventure continues to inspire young people of all
ages! In addition to her accomplishments as a woman in aviation, she also
championed women's rights.
Walt Disney- When you think about the magic of wonder and childhood, it's possible
that one of many Disney characters comes to mind. Between his movies and theme
parks, Disney has left a lasting mark in the world of entertainment and

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