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Do men and women speak different languages?


By CHERRY MASLEN, Daily Mail A WOMAN'S brain has a ten per cent thicker connecting cord
WHY HE CAN'T FIND THINGS IN FRIDGES AND CUPBOARDS between the left and right lobes, and up to 30 per cent more
Men often accuse women of hiding things from them. Socks, connections.
underwear, butter, car keys, wallets. But, as any woman knows, A woman can do several unrelated things at the same time and her
they're all there. It's just that men can't see them. So why don't brain is never disengaged.
they notice what's right in front of their faces? She can have a conversation on the telephone at the same time as
Because a woman has a wider arc of peripheral vision than a man - cooking a new recipe and watching television. She can walk, talk
possibly because of her ancient role as a 'nest-defender' - she can and apply lipstick - all at the same time.
see most of the contents of a fridge or cupboard without moving Men's brains are compartmentalised. That's why they can only
her head. concentrate on one thing at a time.
This is the opposite to a man, whose vision is more tunnel-like If a man is shaving and you talk to him, he'll cut himself. If he's
(configured for long distances - a throwback from their days as hammering and the doorbell rings, he'll hit his thumb.
hunters). If you talk to him when he's driving, he'll miss the turn- off. These
A woman can identify matching items in a drawer, cupboard or can be excellent revenge tactics for a woman.
across a room and later remember objects in a complex random SEX: THE REAL DIFFERENCES
pattern - such as where the butter is in the fridge. Tests show that a man who has a pent-up desire for sex has
But, because of their tunnel vision, men can have difficulty locating difficulty hearing, thinking, or driving. He also suffers a form of time
things at close range - keys, socks and so on. distortion, where three minutes feels like 15.
New research even suggests that male brains are searching in the If a woman wants an intelligent decision from a man, she's better
fridge for the word butter. off discussing it after sex, when his brain is clear, rather than
If the packet is facing the wrong way, they just can't see it. before.
Women can't believe men are so unobservant. Yet, to be fair, men For a woman, talking can be a crucial part of the build-up to sex
are often amazed at how a woman can't see a flashing red oil light because words are all-important to her. Equally, men love to hear
on a car dashboard, yet can spot a dirty sock in a dark corner 50 women talk about sex.
yards away. But the big difference is that, because most men can only do one
A woman's life is much less stressful when she understands the thing at a time, he can't really talk during sex.
problems men have seeing things at close range. For a man to talk during sex, he needs to switch to his left brain,
And when a woman tells a man 'It's in the cupboard!' it is less whereas a woman can do both.
stressful for him to believe her, and continue his search.
A woman should be aware that, if she talks during sex (not counting Scans of women's brains show a level of 90 per cent activity during
mmmms and aaaahs), a man may feel obliged to respond, and the the same state, confirming that women are constantly receiving
moment can be lost. Brain scans show that during sex a man is so and analysing information from their environment.
intent on what he's doing that he's virtually deaf. That's why a woman knows her children's friends, hopes, dreams,
THE 'SILENT TREATMENT' fears, what they are thinking, how they are feeling, and, usually,
For a woman, speech has a clear purpose, to build relationships and what mischief they are plotting.
make friends - not necessarily to solve problems. And why men are vaguely aware of some short people living in the
If a woman is talking to a man a lot, she likes him. If she's not house.
talking to the man in her life, he's in trouble. WHY WOMEN END RELATIONSHIPS
If a woman wants to punish a man, she won't talk to him. Men call A woman's brain wiring makes her world full of feelings, emotions,
this 'the silent treatment'. communication and words. Saying 'I love you' is rarely a problem.
When a man is being given the silent treatment, it will take him She knows when she feels warm, wanted and adored, and when
around nine minutes of silence to realise that he's being punished. she's in love.
Until the nine-minute mark is reached, he sees her silence as a kind Women can also recognise when love does not exist, or when it has
of bonus - he's getting some peace and quiet. ceased to exist. That's why most relationships are ended by women.
But men should beware - long silences mean there's trouble ahead. But ending a relationship with a man without hurting his
WOMEN'S 'INTUITION' masculinity is a problem. 'Get out' might sound like a challenge.
Women are equipped with far more finely-tuned sensory skills than However, there is a foolproof way of ending a relationship with a
men. As child-bearers and nest-defenders, they needed the ability man who you think is not in love with you. Just say: 'I love you ... I
to sense subtle mood and attitude changes in others that could want to marry you.' Or: 'I want to have your children.' Sometimes
signal pain, hunger, injury or aggression. they leave a cloud of dust.
This is commonly called 'women's intuition' - and it's something HOW TO SHOWER LIKE A WOMAN
that has always bewildered men. Take off clothes and place in laundry hampers. Get in shower. Look
Males, as hunters, were never around the cave long enough to for facecloth, arm cloth, loin cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and
learn to read the non-verbal signals or the ways of interpersonal pumice stone. Wash hair twice with cucumber and grapefruit
communication. shampoo with 83 added vitamins.
Brain scans show that when a man's brain is in a resting state, at Condition hair with cucumber and grapefruit conditioner with
least 70 per cent of its electrical activity is shut down. enhanced natural crocus oil. Wash rest of body with Ginger Nut and
Jaffa Cake body wash.
Dry self with towel the size of small African country. Wrap hair in VULNERABLE For a female: Fully opening up oneself emotionally to
super-absorbent second towel. Check entire body for remotest another.
signs of blemishes. Spend an hour and a half getting dressed. For a male: Playing cricket without a helmet, box or pads.
HOW TO SHOWER LIKE A MAN COMMITMENT For a female: A desire to get married and raise a
Take off clothes while sitting on bed and leave them in a pile. Walk family. For a male: Not trying to chat up other women while out
naked to bathroom. Look in mirror and suck in stomach to admire with one's girlfriend.
Get in shower. Don't bother to look for face cloth, don't need one. 'ONCE I didn't talk to my wife for six months,' said a husband. 'I
Wash face. Wash armpits. didn't want to interrupt.'
Shampoo hair but don't bother with conditioner. The average length of a woman's telephone call is at least 18
Get out of shower, failing to notice water on floor because shower minutes. The average length of of a man's telephone call is less than
curtain outside bath for whole shower time. three minutes.
Leave bathroom light and fan on. Return to bedroom with towel MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BRAINS
round waist. Put on yesterday's clothes. A man's brain is organised for a 'how-do-I-fix it?' response to life.
WORDS OF WISDOM . . . The trouble is, men use this 'fix it' criterion in their approach to
Marriage has its good side. It teaches you loyalty, forbearance, almost everything.
tolerance, selfrestraint, and other valuable qualities you wouldn't One woman said she wanted her husband to show a more loving
need if you stayed single. attitude towards her. So he mowed the lawn. When she said she
'You're a lousy lover!' she said. 'How can you tell that in two still wasn't happy, he painted the kitchen. And when this didn't
minutes?' he asked. work, he offered to take her to a football match.
Men's sex drive is like a microwave - it can operate at full capacity • Extracted from Why Men Can Only Do One Thing At A Time And
within seconds, and can be turned off just as quickly. Women Never Stop Talking by Allan and Barbara Pease, published
Women's sex drive is like an electric oven - it heats slowly to its top by Orion at £5.99. Copyright ° 2003, Allan and Barbara Pease
temperature and takes a long time to cool down.
Stressed men drink alcohol and invade other countries.
Stressed women eat chocolate and invade shopping centres. Read more:
THINGY For a female: Any part under a car bonnet. For a male: The
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strap fastener on a woman's bra.

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