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Infographic: Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

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Infographic: Characteristics of
Successful Entrepreneurs

Feb 13, 2020
2 mins read
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Ever wondered what things all successful entrepreneurs have in common? What
makes them so special? Check this Infographic of the 9 Common Characteristics of
Successful Entrepreneurs.
Two sides of the same coin
There’s a lot of talk about what makes a business really successful. And most
people can agree that the traits the entrepreneur on charge can play a pretty
important role. However, answers to what really is a successful entrepreneur and
what are their traits are so varying, it’s hard to even know what an entrepreneur is.
By the way people talk about them, it might seem they’re modern-day superheroes.

They have to have such a wide set of characteristics and virtues, that it doesn’t
even seem possible that one person may have them all. Every list says things like
take risks, be flexible, be creative, be decisive, network, work on yourself, be goal-
oriented, be optimistic, be disciplined, take decisions carefully, think twice, use
technology, innovate… It’s too much!

That’s why in this infographic, we have paired up the characteristics of a

successful entrepreneur. Even if these may seem at odds, these traits actually
complement each other, like two sides of the same coin. Being open-minded
doesn’t mean forgetting about traditional ways to do things. Being able to take
risks doesn’t mean being reckless.
Sometimes it’s too easy to take too much to the heart oversimplistic affirmations of
what are the traits of successful entrepreneurs. But these have to be nuanced. They
have to be applied to concrete situations and in realistic ways.

All these characteristics of successful entrepreneurs don’t really contradict each

other. Rather, they nuance themselves, and help avoid extremes.
There is no easy answer
The truth is, there is no easy road to a successful business. A formula that works
well enough for one, might not work at all for others. Having the traits of a
successful entrepreneur is important, that is true. But it’s also important to have a
good idea to start with, and good timing that allows it to thrive. The will power and
effort you put into an idea to make it work is important but it’s not the only factor
that will determine the success or fail of a business.

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