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Calarcá 14 Street

Puerto Carreño, Vichada, 6 Avenue


Puerto Carreño, 11 January 2021

Gran Tierra Energy Inc.

Suite 900, 520 – 3rd Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 0R3
Teléfono +1 (403) 265-3221
Fax +1 (403) 265-3242

Dear Mr. Daniel Parker Medina

Very restrained I am writing to you, in order to convey the voice of an entire native
people, who suffer, seeing how their mother nature loses strength due to the
excessive use of multinationals in their exploitation of metals, precious jewels or
hydrocarbons ( oil).

Through the following and on behalf of my indigenous people, I am writing to your

office, in order to convey to you the voice of a people, who through this letter need
to let you know how bad they are doing by exploiting the land excessively, all in
order to search for the different resources that mother earth offers. Now, an issue
that worries us today, and that is talked about in many media, and how harmful it is
for the environment and humanity itself, is the issue of ¨fracking¨.
We ask you and your multinational corporation to say no to ¨Fracking¨. This is an
unconventional practice that hurts the earth, we know that the existence of any
company is to generate income and provide a service that satisfies society, but this
type of practice should not be carried out, since, with this action, not only the
injured is mother earth, but also everything in it lives. In this type of case there are
advantages and disadvantages as listed below

Energy independence.
Positive repercussions on the economy
Cheap export
Large investments

Toxic and carcinogenic additives
Destruction of ecosystems
Air and aquifer pollution

As you can see, the representative benefits for the country are excellent in
economic matters, but it does not leave behind the disastrous consequences that it
leaves behind; money comes and goes, but the natural resources that are
exploited will not return, since they are not renewable, as is solar energy. This
fracking activity causes water sources to be depleted, harming living beings, both
animals and humans.
Our petition joins that of many societies in the country against fracking, in their
hands is the well-being of an entire society, the environment and everything that
lives it.

Yours sincerily

Yonh Jairo Hernandez

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