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Tot mai mult este discutată astăzi, din perspectiva libertății academice,

problema activității on-line pe rețelele sociale. Au existat nenumărate cazuri de

studenți exmatriculați sau penalizați, precum și de profesori concediați sau
suspendați în urma unor postări ofensatoare sau inadecvate pe Tweeter sau
Facebook. De cele mai multe ori, este vorba despre postări pe teme în afara
ariei de expertiză științifică.

Academic freedom, as well as any other form of expression , leads to diversity of

opinion and disagreement. Universities have as their first mission to produce and
to transmit knowledge. Thus, teachers are an example for us and they don’t have to
share or post inadequate posts on their Facebook or Twitter page. If happens such
things it is necessary both for teachers and for students to be taken some actions.
For students I agree that they must be expelled from university. , but teachers
must be dismissed or penalized. There is some limit to everything, it is a kind of
goodwill to everything and that is why we must not go out of things’ order. We
need to think very carefully before making a post, because it can influence other
people in the right direction or a bad one.

This poor and widowed woman must be an example for each of us because ,
before thinking of herself, offered from within to those who may have been poorer
than she. Although, they put other money in the box of miles, some maybe much
more, she gave of her poverty, thus this woman was given to us as an example.
When you offer something, be wholehearted and discreet. It is also a principle:
who has little, to give little, who has much, can offer much. All people, without
distinction, are sent into the world with some gift. The widow who left her only
two pennies in the temple in Jerusalem was poor in money, but she was not poor in
sacrifice and fear of God. On the contrary. And because she used these gifts well
— her poor penny — she was praised by the Lord Himself saying “This poor
widow gave more than anyone else. Everyone else gave a little out of their
wealth, but she gave all she had in her poverty.” Here,Christ draws attention to
two types of behavior. First, it teaches us to avoid the behavior of the Pharisees,
of those who are hypocrites and eager in vain .
To believe in Christ means to live by His Word and to live a pleasant life before
Him. God does not want the death of sinners, but to return and be alive like Him,
because He is our Way, Truth and Life . Joy is made in heaven for a sinner who
repents more than for ninety-nine righteous people who do not need repentance.
It's like shivering when you think about such things. This is how Christ looked at
sinners with kindness. Not because they are sinners, but because they may no
longer be sinners and may return to God.
God receives all of us as His sons . All the matter of the earth does not value as
much as it values a repentant soul in front of God.
Nothing uses the virtuous life if the faith is not healthy.

This little girl who is struggling with death is the fallen humanity that remained in
childhood, unable to reach adulthood because of the seed of death that she carries
in her. And those around her cannot escape: Man without God is powerless.
The loss of blood means the loss of life and therefore the loss of the Holly Spirit.
This sick old woman represents another symbolic aspect of sin: mankind is aged
by sin, ugly, powerless, sick. These two women symbolize the sin , humanity
remained in childhood and, at the same time, it is aged — powerless and ugly.
We have an obligation to relearn to hope. No sickness destroys us while we meet
the Lord. And no death is our death as long as the Resurrection dwells in its core.
The ghost of an unprecedented fear disturbs our personal and social peace. We
must be strong and courageous in meeting the Lord. And look at our dead in the
Light of the Resurrection. The only one the darkness can't contain.

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