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Biding, Jhay Mhar S. HFH18 10/16/2019

“Balance your state. Breathe deeper. Relax and be still”
You flex and bend. Extending arms until it reaches the summit. Requires no distance and
speed only yourself at rest aiming towards a healthy mind in a healthy body. Practices breathing
pattern. Meditating through relaxed concentration comes from inner peace, heightened creativity,
and awareness of our essential nature. And you are now in the index of a monologue exercise we
call it Yoga, where mind, body, and heart are interconnected. Breaking down to monotonic
tribulation and aguish amidst balancing, breathing, and relaxing.
It is a common knowledge that Yoga is a form of exercise: physically, mentally, and
spiritually, but if we try to actuate our intellectual depth and insight on the ideal of Yoga, we will
decipher the true value of it. We will be able to understand that Yoga is not only a simple set of
meditation and concentration but also a collection of rejuvenation that we can rely on life,
descrying the three elements that will serve as a core of life: balancing, breathing, and relaxing.
As we breathe deeper the tensions into our body ease and the excess negativity within our
soul and mind will be eliminated. When things get hard just breathe just like the ocean breeze it
will help us to lighten up. Through breathing, it creates a deeper absorption of awareness and the
true essence forth it. In order to survived you must take every breathe. No matter how life may
put us into knotted expeditions, we must continue moving forward. And to bail out from the
confronts of life, we need to inhale the positivities and breath out those negativities.
Balance. In a tight rope, the only thing that we can do to across is to maintain your
balance and feel your gaze. In Yoga, it requires balance as a foundation of the stillness of both
body and mind. Practicing balance will prevent us from any falls. In life, we become busy living
and the sense of life? We overlooked. We conduce of forgetting the true value of life and that is,
enjoying it at all means. If we both have a balance in life and time management in dealing with
our desires in life in harmony with each other, we can have effectiveness in everything we do.
Balance in life also breaks the walls of fears within ourselves, it helps us to build our confidence
by conquering these fears. From fears that pondered into confidence because, in balance, it made
us capture that we have to reap the bull’s eye, our goals. To be balanced in life, we need a
foundation that we can rely on. Because without this cornerstone, life will be miserable, we may
fall all along the journey of life.
Relax, just like a blank slate, a graceful falling of the autumn leaves, and a serene waves
of the ocean. As we close our eyes without thinking any disturbances and breathe just like the
ocean breeze positivity will flourish and negativity will be eradicated into our soul and mind.
The tranquillity into our mind as we perform the Yoga helps us to calm down and a better and
deeper understanding of ourselves.
Yoga is a form of exercise that harmonizes our body into our mind and from our soul. The
tranquillity of Yoga gives us the inner serenity and harmony that initiate a healthy mind and
body. Balance. Breathe. Relax. The chords of these realms carries us into more perfect
equilibrium and harmony in life. If we withstand these things in life, the more that we will live
happily and the more that we will attract the positivities in life. It will remark as our stepping
stones in choosing happiness and contentment over all the downsides of life.

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