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The First Crusade

Jews were no strangers to the persecution and humiliation living under Arab rule.

According to the Quran the Jews try to introduce corruption 564 have always been disobedient
578 and are enemies of Allah the prophet in the angels to 97298 an Infamous euphemism
directed at the Jews that they are the sons of apes and pigs has its basis in 3 quranic verses .

Blood libels accusations that Jews kidnap and murder non-jewish children were not uncommon
in the Muslim world as they were in Europe notable examples took place in 1840 in Damascus
and in 1910 in Iran as recently as May 2013 and Egyptian politician publicly stated that Jews
use blood to cook Passover month

Muslim neighbors peaceful coexistence between the two groups involved the subordination and
degradation of the Jews

At various times Jews in Muslim lands lived in relative peace and Thrive culturally and
economically the position of the Jews was never secure however and changes in the political or
social climate what often lead to prosecution violence and death when Jews were perceived as
having a cheap too comfortable position and he semitism with surface often with devastating
results on December 30th 1066

Joseph Hannah gave the Jewish vizier of Granada Spain was crucified by an Arab mob that
proceeded to raise the Jewish quarter of the city and Slaughter is 5,000 and habit the ride was
inside his by Muslim preachers who it angrily objected to what they saw as inordinate Jewish
political power similarly in 1465 moms & Fizz slaughtered thousands of Jews leaving only 11
alive after a Jewish Deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman in an offensive manner the killings
touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco mass murders of Jews and Arab
lands also took place in Iraq Yemen Egypt and Syria there were many cases of synagogue
destruction and despite the quran's prohibition forcible conversion to Islam the situation of Jews
and Arab lands reached a low point in the nineteenth Century who was the most of North Africa
including Algeria Tunisia Egypt Libya and Morocco were forced to live in ghettos in Morocco
which contained the largest Jewish

Jews were made to walk Barefoot or wear shoes of straw went outside to a gehtteo even
Muslim children participated in the degradation of Jews by throwing stones at them for
harassing them in other ways the frequency of anti-jewish violence increased and many Jews
were executed on charges of apostasy ritual murder accusations against the Jews became
commonplace in the Ottoman Empire the danger for choose increased as a showdown over the
partition of Palestine approached in the UN the Syrian Delegate for resale Korea warned unless
the Palestine problem is said she'll be in protecting and safeguarding the Jews in the Arab world
more than a thousand Jews were killed in Antigua Jewish riding during the 1940s in Iraq Libya
Egypt Syria and Yemen this help trigger the mass Exodus of hundreds of thousands of Jews
from the Arab countries Jewish communities that in some cases take back Millennia have all but
disappeared from the Muslim nations of the Middle East those Jews remain in countries such as
Iran live in fear of being accused of being Zion

to the song the baby March 31st 2012 I think of the one of the saddest days history 1 in 1492
Ferdinand and Isabella determined to expel the Jews from Spain on this day signed a royal
edict even the Jews only 3 months to leave Spain the Apostle Paul that we know in scripture he
loved the Jews and he said that my greatest wish in my prayer to God is for the people of Israel
he said to be safe at 10 1 I'm not everyone shared his love for the Jewish people the Romans
soon afterward destroyed Jerusalem and many of the Jewish people had to leave to Europe as
refugees eventually the country is Spain the game center for the Jewish people in culture of Arts
and Science in business and it helped establish Spain as the golden age for the Jewish way of
life later on several hundred years later in the 15th century anger again turned against the
Jewish people when Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in 1469 established as a state
Church they have little concern for the Jewish people is very active a strict about person in
formal religion but bound to Red stain of unbelievers and she establish what we know in history
is the Spanish Inquisition Heretics unbelievers and Jews were rounded up they were
interrogated and tortured but this never works from a top-down or the three see in the movie
Monumental being released now Nationwide show that there must be change in the heart first
this faith in God faith in his holy word is the first way change her eternally with morality what
time does American living that out so there has to be a change with the individual first from the
bottom up not the top down but we know that this Inquisition sales to convert Jews and then
Ferdinand and Isabella expelled them on this day March 31st 1490 to 150000 Jews were
stripped of their land and possessions that they live for almost 1500 years the last Jewish
person and August 2nd and ironically it was the next day August 3rd 1492 that Columbus sailed
from Spain to discover the new world not everything is done under the name of Christianity is
Christian genuine Believers in Christ read his word they love others not persecute to fulfill the
Great Commission all so genuine Believers in Christ they have a deep love for the Jewish
people because they remember that Christ the lord himself was Jewish it's our prayer Like a
Prayer of apostle Paul that all Israel might be saved baby

Long ago to help systematically murdered six million innocent men women and children how did
this happen how could so many people turned go bad he's a profound questions there are no
easy answers but we do know that many message that enabled is unprecedented Mass
genocide known as the Holocaust are we practicing today understand it let's take a step back
1914 through 1918 the war to end all wars was fought it is Great War now known as World War
I Germany was defeated there after the country struggles to pay reparations overcome the
ramifications of the Great Depression high unemployment and political instability. The Nazi party
and its leader Adolf Hitler Rose to Power by promoting extreme nationalism and Fanning the
Flames of hatred against the German minority population the Jews many German people and
Susie asked if we can break this message update on the promise of a renewed powerful country
in the 1932 elections the Nazi party became the largest group in the German Parliament and do
a negotiated political deal Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1930s do a
combination of oppressive laws that by practicing domestic terrorism the Nazis were able to
solidify their power during this. Little girl opponents were jailed for the grass was stifled and
Jews were vilified and humiliated in 1938 on a knight called kristallnacht 267 synagogues and
more than 7,000 Jewish businesses looted or destroyed 30000 Jewish men were arrested and
more than 100 Jews were murdered while this was not an Arab social media it wasn't a
propaganda ploy to Cutting Edge marketing and communication techniques aggressive
marketing messages and monsters population of things got worse Jews and other individuals
deemed Unworthy of Life by the Nazis working fine to get O's and then carted unsealed Freight
re-cross german-occupied Europe to extermination camps people who starve to death in the
freezing temperatures or died from disease or murdered in math and gas Chambers the death
caps accounted for approximately half of the Six Million Jews that were killed other Jews were
slaughtered in Massachusetts random shootings on the streets and their homes and
synagogues in total one third of the world's Jewish population and two-thirds of Europe's Jewish
population for Slaughter education the Nazis also murdered millions of other enemies and
people they deemed undesirable including poles the Roma the incurably sick Soviet pows
political opponents game Indian millions of Germans as well as individuals from other countries
are ultimately responsible for the largest genocide in human history how did this happen of a
minority population call propaganda domestic terrorism normal people can be convinced a
course to commit the worst atrocities imaginable

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