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Hi everyone!

Let me introduce myself, my name is raifa azzahra, im presenting nursing academy al-
ikhlas for virtual student exchange.

There are several things Im going to tell you

a. First point is about covid19 update In indonesia we have around 270(two hundred seventy)
million citizens according to BPS. And total cases of covid19 is around 1.4 (one point four)
million and 40(forty) thousand of death so far according to WHO ( World Health
Organization )
b. Vaccine implementation in indonesia been planned for 15(fiftin) months started from
January 2021 untill march 2022 to reach 34(threety four) provinces.
Implemented in 4 stages taking into account availability, time
arrival and Stages of implementation of the COVID 19 vaccination are carried out as
1. Phase 1 with implementation time from January to April 2021
The targets of the COVID-19 phase 1 vaccination are health workers, assistant personnel
2. Phase 2 with implementation time from January to April 2021 The targets for the COVID19
vaccination phase 2 are:
Public service officers, namely the Indonesian National Army / Police
3. Phase 3 with the implementation time of April 2021-March 2022
The target of COVID-19 phase 3 vaccination is a vulnerable community in terms of aspects
geospatial, social, and economic.
4. Stage 4 with the implementation time of April 2021-March 2022
The target of vaccination phase 4 is the community and economic actors
others with a cluster approach according to vaccine availability

c. Bogor has been unsuccessful in handling the pandemic, there were two main factors that
led to this conclusion: a lack of discipline in following health protocols among government
officials and a failure to improve testing capacity

Despite the government continuously urging the public to wear masks, maintain physical
distance and wash hands frequently, many government-organized events failed to
implement such protocols. This situation, he added, set a bad example for the public,
causing many to ignore health protocols. There important for the government to deliver a
consistent message to the public by setting a good example.

D. In the beginning of the pandemic, Al-Ikhlas Nursing Academy implemented a full online learning
system, but recently the hybrid learning system (combining online&offline methods) has been
implemented, and some practical subjects are carried out in the laboratory with limited capacity and
very strict health protocols. For clinical practice ways, Al-Ikhlas Nursing Academy implements an
offline system, with 50 (fifty) % in community and 50% in hospital, and in several subject, Students
are allowed to use their family/neighbors as a patient.

Before the clinical practice, students are required to do the antigen/PCR swab, only the student with
negative result is allowed.

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