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Name : Reza Safitri

No BP : 1701011

Class : VII A


My name is Reza Safitri, I come from muko-muko, Bengkulu. small village

but a variety of beauties ranging from beach tours and culinary tours. The most

famous in the muko-muko is rendang lokan, which is a lokan-based food that comes

from the sea of muko-muko. The biggest income in the muko-muko is oil palm

plantation which is the livelihood of almost all muko-muko community. Actually my

basic is a student majoring in pharmacy who is currently studying in the final

semester who is working on a thesis. Actually, tourism and culinary problems are far

proportional to my major.

I plan to continue my pharmacy studies abroad, especially in Japan, the reason

I continue studying abroad is not only for studying reasons but to introduce the beauty

of tourism and culinary in my area. Tourism in my beautiful area is rarely seen by

foreign tourists, only domestic tourists are still few who know, therefore I am very

interested in continuing my studies abroad as well as telling the world that there is

beauty in small areas that is rarely known by the world.

The UK is the best place for me to do this study because the UK has an

internationally renowned university for pharmaceutical studies. In addition, the UK is

also recognized for its serious commitment to addressing tourism and climate change

issues by creating the Climate Change Act 2008, the first legally binding long-term

framework for cutting global carbon emissions. Since UK-Indonesia has developed a

strong partnership on climate change (as evidenced by the establishment of the DFID
UK Climate Change Unit in Indonesia) and both are expected to have a more strategic

partnership especially in low carbon development in the future, studying in the UK

will support my career. goals in the area of climate change policy where I can

contribute to strengthening the relationship between the two countries. Also, it will

allow me to directly study the successes of the UK climate change policy that I can

apply in Indonesia. In short, I firmly believe that studying environmental policy in the

UK as well as furthering my pharmaceutical studies will be a great opportunity for my

future career supporting the government in a strong climate change policy and

certainly for my future career as a pharmacist.

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