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There is no server in the server-less architecture – False

Which of the following describes only the desired state of the system? –
Which of the following is not a cloud service provider? – Google Azure
Automation is well suitable for the environments which are – Completely Unique
It is easy to ________ a system, than to ________ it. – Replace, Fix
The most straightforward approach to implement IaC is – Scripting
__________ infrastructure increases the predictability – immutable

Which of the following describes how to achieve the desired state of the system?
– Imperative
__________ infrastructure replaces a server completely when there is a change –
__________ configuration is faster than ___________ configuration – Automated,
When we don't record the adhoc changes of hardware/software, it is called the –
Configuration Drift
Which is directly proportional to your business? – Availability
When a server requires special configuration beyond that covered by automated
deployment scripts, it is called – Snowflake
_________ causes more failure than _________ - Human Error, Hardware

For quick configurations, the servers must be – Automated

A challenge that grows over time is, __________Config Drift
IaC is frequently referred to as, _____________ Programmable Infrastructure
IaC simplifies the tasks of – IT Team
Chef was initially created by – Adam Jacob
___________ comes as part of Linux's Fedora distribution – Ansible

OpenStack Heat is a tool written in ___________Python

Which of the following is an infrastructure definition tool? Terraform
____________ is an open source tool developed by HashiCorp – Terraform

Which of the following is a Containerization System? Warden

___________ is more secure than ___________ VM, Container

HP Public Cloud uses ________ tool – Chef

Puppet was initially released in the year – 2005
Which of the following is not a lifecycle event of a server – None Of the Options
____________ supports all the AWS resources – CloudFormation

___________ shares the OS kernel of the host system. – Container

Docker is a tool written in – Go

Infrastructure provisioning can be done with __________________ tools –
Which of the following is a configuration definition file? – Openstalk (Probably
Data like ______ should not be stored in VCS – Password
In _________ model, the configuration server is checked periodically for updates
– pull
You can use _________ to script your configuration file – Any
In _________ model, the configuration server automatically sends the updated
configuration file if there is any change – push
Marionette is a former name of – Chef
IaC was initially evolved to support – All the options
This kind of automation is very difficult without considerable re-architecting –
Rare Release (Probably Wrong – please google it once)
A good infrastructure tool should support – Moderate Coupling (Probably Wrong
– please google it once)
Which of the following cannot be found on a server? – Utility (Probably Wrong –
please google it once)
Containers resolves security issues – False
If a change is patched, it is ___________ infrastructure – Mutable
Which is a CI tool here? – Bamboo

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