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SO BIG KEYNOTES Sunday, June 13,2021 8:43PM sobig keynotes PRESIDENCY SCHOOL Keynotes Subject: LAR Topic: So Big by Max Fatchen So Big The dinosaur,an ancient beast, T'm told, was very large. His eyes were as big as tennis balls, His stomach was bigger than a garage. He had the biggest humping back, A neck as long as Friday T'm glad he lived so long ago And didn't live in my day! I Draw a neat sketch of a dinosaur. PRESIDENCY SCHOOL Keynotes Subject: LAR Topic: So Big by Max Fatchen II Keywords 1. dinosaur 2.ancient 3. beast 5.garage 6. humping III Answer the following questions. 1. Large, bigger than a garage, biggest humping back. What do these words tell us about the dinosaur? These words tell us that dinosaurs were very large animals. 2 Why is the dinosaur called an ‘ancient beast'? The dinosaur is called an ‘ancient beast' as it lived millions of years ago. PRESIDENCY SCHOOL Keynotes Subject: LAR Topic: So Big by Max Fatchen 3.How big were the dinosaurs? The dinosaurs were 150 feet and weighed 100 tons. 4. What is the dinosaur's stomach compared to? The dinosaur's stomach is compared to a garage. 5. The poet says that the dinosaur's neck is as long as Friday. Why does he say so? The poet says so because Friday comes after a long wait before you enjoy the weekend. 6. Why do you think the poet is glad? The poet is glad because dinosaurs lived long ago and are not found today. PRESIDENCY SCHOOL Keynotes Subject: LAR Topic: So Big by Max Fatchen IV Similes: We use similes to describe things comparing them to other things. For example: If I want to say someone is fast, I can say, she is as fast as a horse. Some examples: 1. He's as strong as an elephant. 2. She's as silly as a monkey. 3.It's as cold as ice. 4.It's as light as feather. From the poem 1. His eyes were as big as tennis balls. 2.A neck as long as Friday. IV. Imagine that you were a dinosaur that lived long ago. Write a passage of your experience when you met a little girl/boy on your walk. [ Students to write their own answer.]

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