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TLE Performance Task Part 1

1. What is the video all about?

The video is all about measuring
a person's blood pressure, and
the proper steps on how to do it.
It teaches us how to carefully
examine the patient.
2. What are the most important steps you have seen in the
video? Explain your answer.
First and foremost, clean the stethoscope in order to maintain hygiene.
Ask the patient on which hand does he/she prefer for blood pressure.
Make sure it covers ⅓ to ½ of the arm. Wrap the deflated cuff around
the upper arm atleast 1 inch above the elbow. It should be facing you.
Make sure the tubing is not under the cuff. Identify the arrow that will
point to the artery on the lower edge of the cuff. Write down the 1st
sound and last sound you hear. Make sure the cuff is completely
deflated before storing. It should be written as "(The larger number),
followed by a diagonal line, (The smaller number)".
3. Do you think the caregiver handled her client well? Can
you cite situations that would prove that the caregiver
handled her client well.
It is my belief that the caregiver handled the test greatly. The
first thing she did was to maintain hygiene by cleaning the
earpieces and the diaphragm. She also interacted with the
patient to make sure she was using the preferred arm to use. She
carefully examined the 1st sound she heard and the last sound
that was produced. In conclusion, there were hardly any flaws on
the operation of measuring one's blood pressure.
TLE Performance Task Part 2
1. What is the video all about?
The video is all about transferring a
person from a bed into a commode
using a standing sling.
2. What are the most important steps you have seen in the
video? Explain your answer.
How to properly place the sling on the person, the position of the legs
of a lift, adjusting the knee pads for the comfort of the person,
placement of the loops of the sling to the lift. These may be simple
steps, however they are also useful as it provides much more comfort to
the person in need. A proper height is used to avoid being slack.
3. What are the advantages of using the equipment shown in
the video? Cite at least three (3) advantages.
It provides comfort, especially to those people in need of care.
They are also useful as some elderly people are disabled. These
devices may be used for people with weaker bones or people
with diseases and are weak. These devices aid in mobility.

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