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6 Spot the difference Preparation: this activity is on two pages -

one page for each Student A and one for each Student B.Tip:
make it easy to see if ail the students have the right pages by
copying A and B enta different coloured paper. Pair work
Difficult vocabulary: similar, difference Set a time limit and see
which pair can find the most differences in the allocated time -
without, of course, showing each other their picture. Make sure
they ask questions, rather than simply describing their picture.
Key: differences (A isfirst in each of the following): clock
10.50/ 11.10: round table / square table; three people at table /
two people; they are eating / not eating but talking; four chairs
around table / three chairs; two pictures on wall / one
picture;TVon / TVoff; daytime / night time; stereo system in
room / no stereo system; one window / two Windows

Pablo Eguren Yon

Irene Lz de La calle

Alai Madruga

Unai Pinilla

Iñaki Saez de Viteri

Ignacio San Vicente

Paula Valdivieso

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