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The activity in the last session was about partial-lesson analysis, in which we paid attention
to the learning and teaching principles that underlie in the classroom activities. Then, two group
will present the learning and teaching principles to other groups who were in charge of debating
and giving feedback to the presenting group.

This kind of activity, first and foremost, helped us to apply the theories that we had learned
in the last three previous sessions into the real contexts of teaching and learning. In addition,
through the analysis, we were able to develop our critical thinking in such a way that we could
evaluate whether the teachers from the clips had applied the methods appropriately or what
principles or teaching beliefs underpinned such kinds of activities, then we could reflect our
teaching practice, consider and somehow “steal” their thoughts or activities and put them into our
daily teaching activities. Moreover, during the stage of analysis, we could have a chance to read
through the theories to make sure that our evaluation had a firm theory-based argument and
gained a deeper insight into the knowledge of language learning principles.

The next stage of the lesson was devoted to group presentation and feedback plus
questions. At this stage, we were able to compare what we had taken notes and what the group’s
presenter and posed questions to challenge the presenting group, or just for the sake of
clarification. This kind of activity provided us with another chance to learn from peers, in case we
might be unclear in some theories or knowledge.

In short, I would say that this session is helpful in such a way that we can apply theory into
practice, improve our analysis ability and even recognize some weaknesses of the model teachers
so that we can avoid in the future teaching career.

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