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Nat'l Sentiment_act1 
1. Who is the modern day hero for you? 
Health care staff 
Grocery store assistants 
Delivery drivers 
Police officers 

2.  Why is he/she a hero for you? 

Help people 
Risks their lives 
Save others 
Serving our countrymen 
Doing Duties with Passion 
Love to the country 
1. José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda was born on June 19, 1861, in Calamba,
Laguna Province, Philippines. José Rizal studied medicine in Manila and was a bright student
who learned many languages. He went to Spain to finish his medical degree in 1882. José Rizal
wrote about the injustice that followed Spain's colonial rule of his country while living in
Europe. In 1892, he returned to the Philippines, but due to his desire for reform, he was exiled.
Rizal was accused of sedition and executed on December 30, 1896, at the age of 35, despite his
support for peaceful reform.In 1892, Rizal returned to the Philippines, believing that he needed
to be there to effect progress. Rizal was exiled to Dapitan, on the island of Mindanao, despite the
fact that the Liga Filipino (Philippine League), which he founded, advocated nonviolent action.
Rizal studied medicine and took on students during his four years in exile.Rizal requested
permission to fly to Cuba as an army doctor in 1895. Although his request was granted,
Katipunan, a nationalist Filipino society founded by Andres Bonifacio, revolted in August 1896.
Rizal was arrested soon after, despite the fact that he had no links to the party and disapproved of
its aggressive practices.Rizal was found guilty of sedition and sentenced to death by firing squad
after a mock trial. When Rizal was 35 years old, he was publicly executed in Manila on
December 30, 1896. His assassination galvanized resistance to Spanish rule.The Philippines'
Spanish rule ended in 1898, but the country did not achieve permanent independence until after
World War II. In the Philippines, Rizal is remembered as a nationalist figure who helped the
country take its first steps toward independence.While in Europe, José Rizal became involved in
the Propaganda Movement, where he met other reform-minded Filipinos. Noli Me Tangere
(Touch Me Not/The Social Cancer), his first book, detailed the dark aspects of Spain's colonial
rule in the Philippines, with a special emphasis on the role of Catholic friars.In the Philippines,
the book was outlawed, but copies were smuggled in. Rizal's return to the Philippines in 1887
was cut short when he was targeted by police as a result of this book. Rizal returned to Europe
and continued to write, publishing El Filibusterismo (The Reign of Greed) in 1891 as his follow-
up book.He also contributed to La Solidaridad, a publication affiliated with the Propaganda
Movement. Rizal's reforms did not include independence; instead, he pushed for fair treatment of
Filipinos, restrictions on the influence of Spanish friars, and Philippine representation in the
Spanish Cortes (parliament). 
2. Yes, Rizal is a national hero in our country. Because He is an excellent example of patriotism
and his unselfish love for our country is genuinely admirable. The ideals he expresses are also
the value that we need. He mesmerized his audience through his work by writing what he
experienced. Rizal has served as a relentless role model for men and women all over the country,
encouraging them to dream big and strive tirelessly to make their dreams come true, no matter
what it takes, for the sake of nationhood and fostering people's liberty. He also stated that
education is the answer to our country's problems. As a result, we students should prioritize
education because we will learn from it in the future. 
1. Heroes are those who have a concept of nation and thereafter aspire and struggle for the
nation’s freedom 
Dr. Jose Rizal may not fought using violence, but he surely fought in a diplomatic way. He
fought for our country's freedom by writing and enlightening our countrymen of what are the
Spanish people did to our fellow Filipinos. Dr. Jose Rizal became an eye-opener to many
Filipinos and aspire them to fight for our own country. 
2.Heroes are those who define and contribute to a system or life of freedom and order for a
The statements below justifies how Rizal fits to the qualification: 
Rizal said anyone can serve the country and wish for the best of welfare even in young age. 
Rizal stated, not loving one's own language has surpassed the animals and smelly fish. 
The urge of the people for freedom because of Rizal's powerful principles through novels and
quotes played a major role in country's independence 
3. Heroes are those who contribute to the quality of life and destiny of a nation. 
Jose Rizal fit the qualification of being a contributor to the quality of life and destiny of a nation
by his philosophical views. His ideology was to research and implement reforms, to expand
human rights, to instruct government and to inspire a spirit of indignation about injustice,
violence, inhumanity, sensitivity and personal love. Additionally during the Propaganda
Movement, his ideologies aims to reveal and find a solution to the evil system of colonialism
which kept Filipinoes in darkness, and awakens them the pride they have and sense of solidarity
as solidarity as a nation. His writings develops the national view of history and national
consciousness which affects the quality of life of every Filipino and became the key to lead the
county's whereabouts. 

As a Nationalian, I believe that in taking this course and in understanding Life and
Works of Jose Rizal, I can say that this course can help me in recognizing the
importance of Rizal's principles and teachings in relation to current societal
circumstances and situations, encouraging the application of those ideals to modern
social and personal problems and concerns, gaining an awareness and deeper
understanding of all that Rizal fought and died for, and cultivating the overall
growth of Filipino youth. Furthermore, since this course is required by law, it is
essential that you study this subject. As stated earlier, RA 1425 allows us to do so.
If you give it a shot, it might be a very interesting and thrilling experience.
However, judging and hating it would not help you. So just take in the wonders of
Rizal's life and works.  

Team Nat'l Sentimental_act2
Angel Locsin 
She is a well-known real life Darna as she proves her humanity and the kindness in her heart
through monetary donations, service of time and talents, or showing compassion to those less
fortunate than us.  The former Darna actress has recently contributed P15 million to support
educational bonds, the support for indigenous peoples' political and economic rights and the end
of violence against women and children. She helped almost 500 different families that have been
directly affected by some of the Philippines largest disasters such as Tropical Storm Ondoy in
2009, Typhoon Habagat in 2012, and Typhoon Haiyan in 2013.  
In October, she was lauded to give P1 million for the victims of the terrible Mindanao tremors
and to go to the island and distribute relief goods herself. It was not the first time that she flown
to the region to assist the communities in a disaster or crisis. Once the Marawi struggle struck the
South, she joined the Philippine Rural Missionaries and took it to help the lives of thousands
of Mindanaoan displaced people. Furthermore, Locsin donated the money it would have spent
buying a gown to wear to the event to Bantay Bata in September 2019, prior to attending the
annual ABS-CBN Ball. 
Lastly, she also became an inspiration to her millions of followers on social media to give and
help as much as they can. It has been a proof that she is a hero both on and off the screen.
According to her the only motivation we need is being part of humanity. 
Additional criteria 
- those who have a concept of humanity 

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