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3/9/21 10:27 epa2gis

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Epa2GIS exports the Epanet network map and/or the analysis output to a 
Geographic Information Systems environment. Epa2GIS creates thematic  Cad
layers for the network components and uses the most popular GIS format  Gis
(SHP for transporting the Epanet project to GIS. Remote Sensing
The Epanet layers can be opened into ArcView and ArcMap, or any other  Hydraulics
application that supports ESRI shape-files. Other
Epa2GIS requires the NET file for input data and  uses the EPANET Toolkit 
function library (Epanet2.dll*) as the analysis engine.

* Epanet2.dll was created by Lewis Rossman and is part of the public 

domain EPANET software. To learn about Epanet visit the EPA website

epa2gis is a beta freeware tool. This program 

doesn't need to be installed, just run it. 1/2
3/9/21 10:27 epa2gis contains the executable file (Epa2GIS.exe) 
and the epanet2.dll library. 2/2

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