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Manuais Técnicos

Classificação 020. Manual de Desenvolvimento Interno

Título 021. Response Codes Adabas
Gestor TI Suporte ao Desenvolvimento e DA – Aurélio Guerreiro
Elaborado por Marco Antonio Mugnol
Datas Publicação: 30/08/2002 Revisão: 30/08/2003

Origem do Documento: Adabas 6 – Programming Reference Data (ADA - 510 - 131)

Response Codes

Response 0
Explanation: This response code indicates that the command was executed successfully..

Response 1
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 an ISN list could not be sorted because of an excessive number of resulting ISNs; or
 the ISN Quantity returned does not correspond with the actual number of records found (
Verificar se está fazendo pesquisa com comando não permitido.

Response 2
Explanation: ISNs could not be held because of insufficinet space in the hold queue. This response code
can only occur when using the ‘P’ option with a BT or ET command.

Response 3
Explanation: An end-of-file or end-of-list condition was detected.

Response 4
Explanation: A C2 command was issued and the minimum elapsed time between synchronized checkpoints
had not been reached.

Response 5
Explanation: A synchronized checkpoint is about to be taken.

Response 7
Explanation: An Sx command has been interrupted because the maximum amount of time permitted has
been exceeded.
 Comando com várias condições: and,where, >= and <=, etc.
 Find trazendo grande quantidade de registros

Response 8
Explanation: Reprocessar, stress do Adabas.
Colocar macro Abrir antes do 1º comando Adabas.

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
Response 9
Explanation: The transaction time limit(TT) or non-activity time limit(TNAE, TNAX, or TNAA) has been
exceeded, or the command caused a security violation.
Action: Correct the cause of the time-out or security violation, then reissue the command.
 BD - arq seq - BD
 BD hold ET - atu -/+ 5 Min. sem ET
 Logo após response 201: normal deve ser tratado.
 Colocar Macro ABRIR antes do primeiro comando Adabas
Explanation: An Adabas session with OPENRQ = YES was active and the user issued an Adabas
command without having issued an OP command. In this case, Additions 1 of the ADABAS
control block (bytes 3-4) is set to X ‘0066’.
Action: Ensure that all users issue OP command as first ADABAS command.

Response 17
Explanation: An invalid file number was detected:
 the file number was equal to 0 or greater than 255;
 the file was not in the data base;
 File está Locked devido a abend em um utilitário ou por estar “cheio”
 File não carregado
 Utilização de BDADOS com file lógica diferente nos DBID’s. Utilizar userview lógica

Response 18
Explanation: Invalid file number usage. The file number was modified between successive L2/L5 calls.
 Utilização de BDADOS com mesmo Command ID - mudar nome do Cursor

Response 19
Explanation: An attempt was made to update a file which was opened for access only.

Response 20
Explanation: One of the following invalid values was used for a CID value:
 00000000
 40404040
 FFxxxxxx
Action: Avoid usage of any of the above CID values.

Response 21
Explanation: An invalid CID value was detected:
 the CID value specified with the GET NEXT option of an L1/L4 command was not found;
 the CID value was not found and the L3/L6 call was not an initial call;
 the CID value specified for the L3/L6 command was assigned to another L2/L5 or L9
 the CID value specified for the L9 command was assigned to another L2/L5, L3/L6 or L9
 the CID value specified for the S8 command was not found:
 the CID value specified was assigned to an internal format buffer for a different file;
 the CID value specified for the S8 command is for an unsorted ISN list.
 Verificar se há ADACODE diferente de 3 (while).
 Rotina chamada emitindo DBCLOSE
 Acesso a 2 DBID’s diferentes Time-Out
 Mesmo cursor em dois programas diferentes.
 Violação de área que destruiu área do cursor

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
Response 22
Explanation: The command was invalid:
 an invalid command code was used;
 an Acess Only user issued an update command;
 A Non-ET Logic user issued a BT command.
 Mesmo cursor
 muito tempo sem acessar adabas.
"Subcodigos" do response 22 recebido em programas ADASQL (o subcodigo e' devolvido no campo
01 Nome do programa esta' em branco
02 HDR1 e/ou HDR2 não informado(s) ou invalido(s) - área de
parâmetros invalida ou destruída - invasão de área
03 Função DB# com argumento ano informado
04 Faltou informar o cartão BDADOS DB#xxnnn no jcl (função DB#)
05 Função FN# com argumento em branco ou com mais de 5 dígitos
06 Função FN# com file lógico zerado

Response 23
Explanation: An invalid starting ISN was specified for an L2/L5 command sequence:
 the ISN was not assigned to a record in the file;
 the ISN was greater than the MAXISN in effect for the file.

Response 24
Explanation: S9 command:
 the ISN list in the ISN buffer was not sorted;
 the ISN list in the ISN buffer contained an invalid ISN;
 the ‘D’ option was specified when trying to sort an ISN list by ISN.

Response 25
Explanation: The ISN specified in ISN Lower Limit for an S1/S4 or S2/S9 command was not found.

Response 26
Explanation: An invalid ISN buffer lenght for an S9 command was detected. The number of ISNs to be
sorted as provided in ISN Quantity was equal to 0.

Response 27
Explanation: Sufficient Work space was not available to accommodate the combined sizes of the search
and value buffers as indicated in the Search Buffer Length and Value Length fields.

Response 28
Explanation: The first two bytes of the Additions 1 field contained an invalid descriptor for an L3/L6 or S2/S9
 the Additions 1 field contained a different descriptor than the descriptor contained in the
search buffer;
 the field was not a descriptor;
 the descriptor was changed between successive calls;
 the descriptor is contained within a periodic group.
 Declaração de 2 view’s do mesmo file sem declarar CURSOR

Response 29
Explanation: L3/L6 command; a value repositioning was attempted (bytes 7-8 of the Additions 1 field
contain spaces) and the Command Option 2 field did not contain the value V.
Response Codes Adabas
Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
Response 30
Response enviado pelo programa do HB

Response 34
Explanation: Invalid command option

Response 40
Explanation: A syntax error was detected in the format buffer:
 the terminating period was missing;
 the first position contained a period;
 lenght and/or format was specified with a range definition;
 an invalid element was detected;
 the L9 descriptor name in the Additions 1 field did not agree with the name in the format

Response 41
Explanation: One or more of the following specification errors occurred:
 A phonetic descriptor was specified:
 Field specification error:
 the specified field name is reserved for edit masks;
 the field is not in the selected file.
 Indexing error:
 no index was specified for a periodic group name or field;
 a group index greater than 99 or a multiple-value field index greater than 191 was
 the specified index was zero(0);
 the specified index range is descending;
 indexes are missing for some of the multiple-value fields specified;
 a reference to a multiple-value field count is missing an index.
 Periodic group error:
 a reference to a periodic group is missing an index;
 the command specified a group containing a multiple-value field;
 a periodic group reference specifies a length-format;
 no index was specified in a periodic group reference.
 Multiple-value field error:
 a count was specified for a non-multiple-value field;
 the methods for indexing multiple-value fields were mixed. Only one type of indexing can
be used in the format buffer.
Action: Correct the specification error and reissue the command or job. For more information about
syntax rules for multiple field and periodic group indexing, refer to the ADABAS 5 Command
Reference Manual .
 DBMOVIMENTOS - Desenvolvimento
 data deve estar no formato AAMMDD do dia da atualização
 Ordem de declaração/atualização dos campos: DATA-MOV, NOME-MOV ,DATA-
MOV2 e o restante ou DATA-MOV2, NOME-MOV e o restante.
 verificar se FDT teste e produção estão iguais.
 falta campo na FDT
 falta NOCNT na macro ARQ se usa apenas campo do periódico.
 Se for Macro, colocar o número do file lógico na macro Por, se usar BDADOS deve ser o
file físico.
 DATA-MOV e DATA-MOV2 devem ter o mesmo conteúdo.

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
Response 42
Explanation: The internal format buffer was too small to store a user-format (translated into internal
 concorrência, não conseguiu alocar o IFB.

Response 43
Explanation: L9 command; the descriptor specified in the format buffer did not agree with the descriptor
specified in the search buffer.

Response 44
Explanation: The format buffer was invalid for use with a update command(A1/A4) or add command
 invasão verif. expansão FB
 conteúdo do campo inválido
 campo dcl duplicado
 no prim/prox c/ histogram - não foi DCL view separada.
 Update em cursor com superdescritor declarado

Response 45
Explanation: The format buffer (internal structure) requires more than 32K.

Response 46
Explanation: The maximum value for the NQCID parameter was exceeded.
 falta de release comand-ID (command ID ativos)

Response 47
Explanation: Estouro do valor máximo do NISNHQ (Holdou mais que 100 registros)

Response 48
Explanation: OP command:
 the requested usage of one or more files conflicts with the current usage of a file by another
user or ADABAS utility;
 the User ID provided during the OP command was already assigned to another user;
 an attempt was made to initiate a READONLY session and a pending AUTORESTART was
in effect;
a DT or AUTORESTART resulted in a locked file because of inadequate Associator or Storage
extent space. In this case, Response 75 also occurs. Contact your DBA for assistance.
 Write(1) -Cics sendo restartado reexecutar.

Response 49
Explanation: The compressed record was too long. If exceeds the maximum permitted compressed record
lenght for the file. (Máximo 5.000 bytes compressados)
 Tentativa de gravação de todas as ocorrências de Dados preenchido todos os bytes (100).
Gravar no máximo 4000bytes ou 40 ocor.

Response 50
Explanation: A syntax error in the record buffer was detected during processing of an OP command.

Response 51
Explanation: An error in the record buffer was detected during processing of an OP command.

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
Response 52
Explanation: An error ocurred while processing the record, value, or search buffer:
 the value of a P format field was not in packed decimal format;
 the value of a U format field was not in unpacked decimal format;
 a variable lenght field was specified without a lenght parameter.
 Falta passar um campo para o POR.
 Conteúdo do campo inválido --> da chave
 Invasão de área
 Cpo ADDITIONS2 indica campo que abendou (BATCH)

Response 53
Explanation: The record buffer was too small.
 ADASQL cursor com mesmo nome ou command id repetido
 MACRO def. dos campos errados.ou def. de periódico s/ todos os campos p/ não ocorrer
dcl como MU os campos.
 Programa chamado via Call e Fetch compilar com Call=Ncal, concatenar a LOD do pgm
 Natural - utilização de local com campo menor.

Response 54
Explanation: The record buffer for a C5 or ET command is too long. The maximum allowed is 2000 bytes.
Action: Correct the record buffer specification, then reissue the C5 or ET command.

Response 55
Explanation: Attempted format conversion was not possible. This may be caused by a invalid cipher code
for a ciphered file.
 Find - find da tabela errada - chave errada
 campo novo com select *, sem recompilar
 super com formato B e o correto é o A
 Tabelão - Leitura da próxima tabela – Trocar Read por Find

Response 56
Explanation: The descriptor value was too long.

Response 57
Explanation: L9 command; the descriptor specified in the search buffer was invalid.

Response 58
Explanation: The format could not be found (as defined within format selection criterion).

Response 59
Explanation: Format conversion of a subfield is not possible. The source field has F or G format.

Response 60
Explanation: A syntax error was detected in the format or search buffer.
 invasão de área FB.
 raramente pode ser Time-out (se acontecer de vez em quando)

Response 61
Explanation: An error was detected in the search buffer:
 the element order was invalid;
 the specified field was not a descriptor;
 a descriptor contained in a periodic group was specified without an index;

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
 invalid connection of partial criteria and/or different indices were used for a descriptor
contained within a periodic group;
 invalid use of a phonetic descriptor;
 the FROM-TO operator was specified with a phonetic descriptor;
 invalid periodic group index or index usage;
 the lenght of a descriptor value was greater than 126;
 invalid file number specification;
 invalid usage of the S or N operator;
 invalid FROM-TO range specification;
 the FROM value was greater than the TO value;
 the BUT NOT value was outside the range of the preceding FROM-TO range.
 an invalid option was specified for ISN LIST processing (S8 command).
 Alteração da chave dentro do Find;
 Utilização do file antes de sua declaração.
 Super da Userview def. com tamanho menor do que do file, erro do ADASQL, pedir para
aumentar o super da Userview.
 Chave inicial maior que final

Response 62
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 the lenght of the search and/or value buffers as specified in the search and value buffer
lenght fields, respectively, was not of sufficient lenght to accommodate the search criteria
specified; or,
 the first character in the search buffer was a ‘.’; or,
 the search buffer does not contain a ‘.’.
 Leitura por uma chave e ordenação por outra

Response 63
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 the CID value specified in the search buffer was not found; or
 the CID used as search criterion was generated without the ‘H’ option.
 Mesmo cursor

Response 64
Explanation: This response code is used for communication with ADABAS utilities.

Response 65
Explanation: An internal error was occurred. The nucleus detected a space calculation error.

Response 66
Explanation: An OP command was missing (OPENRQ=YES parameter in effect).

Response 68
Explanation: Find com campo não chave

Response 70
Explanation: An overflow occurred in the Table of Sequential Commands.
Action: The DBA may increase the value used for the LQ parameter and/or RC commands may be

Response 71
Explanation: An overflow occurred in the Table of Resulting ISN Lists.
Response Codes Adabas
Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
Action: The DBA may increase the value used for the LI parameter and/or RC commands may be

Response 72
Explanation: An overflow occurred in the User Queue.
Action: The DBA may increase the size of the value used for the NU parameter.
Erro temporário - avisar DBA

Response 73
Explanation: An overflow occurred in the section of the Work data set in which resulting ISN lists are sorted.
Action: The DBA may increase the size of the Work data set and/or the number of saved ISN lists
during an ADABAS session may be decreased.

Response 74
Explanation: No space was available on the Work data set for complex FIND commands.
Action: The DBA may increase the size of the Work data set.

Response 75
Explanation: An additional Associator or Data Storage space was required for a file and maximum of 5
extents had already been allocated. DT or AUTORESTART could cause the file to be locked
because of inadequate extent space (see Response 48).
Action: Ask the DBA for assistance; Associator or Data Storage extents may have to be reallocated.
Pedir para o analista passar no file o UNLOAD e o CARGA

Response 76
Explanation: An overflow occurred in an Inverted List index (the maximum is six levels).

Response 77
Explanation: Sufficient space was not available for a required Associator or Data Storage extent.

Response 79
Explanation: A hyperdescriptor exit (‘hyperexit’) was not specified in ADARUN.
Action: Reissue ADARUN with the HEXnn parameter. Refer to the ADABAS Operations Manual for
more information in the ADARUN HEXnn parameter, and to the DBA Reference Manual for a
description of hyperdescriptor user exits.

Response 81
Explanation: A change made to the File Cluster Table prevented the successful backout of a cluster during
ADABAS initialization following an abnormal termination.

Response 84
Explanation: Too many values were present for a subdescriptor or a superdescriptor.

Response 85
Explanation: Too many descriptor values were present for an UPDATE or ADD RECORD command.

Response 86
Explanation: A hyperdescriptor exit return error occurred:
 An incorrect sign for a packed descriptor value was created.
 A value with an incorrect lenght was returned.

Response 87
Explanation: Buffer Pool full - Reexecutar

Response 88
Explanation: Sufficient core was not available although only one user was active.
Response Codes Adabas
Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
Action: PARM values relating to core allocation should be verified.
 Find sorted ou between com muitos registros ou concorrência- reexecutar

Response 89
Explanation: The UQE was already in use, and an attempt was made to execute two commands at the
same time for the same user.

Response 95
Explanation: An I/O error occurred on the WORK LP area.

Response 96
Explanation: An error occurred during repair execution.

Response 97
Explanation: An I/O error occurred during buffer flush.

Response 98
Explanation: An attempt was made to add a value which already exists to a unique descriptor.

Response 99
Explanation: An I/O error occurred.

Response 113
Explanation: The specified ISN was invalid:
 an HI command was issued with ISN equal to 0 or N2 command was issued with ISN equal
to 0 or larger than the MAXISN in the effect for the file;
 an N2 command was issued and the specified ISN was assigned to another record in file;
 an A1/A4, L1/L4, E1/E4, or S1/S2/S4 (with FB) command was issued for a non-existen ISN.
 isn inválido;
 tentou alterar mov. de outra aplicação.
 invasão de área
 Isn pego pelo Find e deletado antes do fetch

Response 114
Explanation: ISN igual a Zero (0).

Response 127
Explanation: compilação ADASQL – Comando Insert com clausula Set e Where.

Response 144
Explanation: The ISN specified with an UPDATE command was not in hold status for the user.

Response 145
Explanation: The record required by the issuing command is in hold status for one of the following reasons:
 An attempt was made to hold an ISN already in hold status for another user and the issued
command specified RETURN. The command is not placed in ‘wait’ status.
 The hold queue is full.

Response 146
Explanation: An invalid buffer lenght was detected by the ADABAS interface routine.

Response 147
Explanation: The ISN was invalid. The ISN transformation resulted in a negative ISN or an ISN greater than
the maximum ISN permitted for the file.

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
Response 148
Explanation: The ADABAS nucleus was either not active or not accessible when the command was issued.

Response 151
Explanation: A command queue overflow occurred.
Action: The DBA may increase the value for the NC parameter and/or the command may be issued
when a lower level of command activty is in effect.

Response 152
Explanation: The internal user buffer was not large enough to contain the user buffer areas.
Action: The DBA may increase the value of the LU parameter.
 Declaração de muitos campos, verificar número de ocorrências nos campos multiplos e
nos periódicos.
 Invasão

Response 153
Explanation: A ‘CALL ADABAS’ was issued by a user while a previous call for the user was still being

Response 160
Explanation: More than 20 Associator and Data Storage blocks were marked as active in the buffer pool for
a single command.

Response 161
Explanation: The RABN chain in the header list of the ADABAS buffer pool was invalid.

Response 162
Explanation: No additional space was available for ADABAS buffer pool header blocks.

Response 163
Explanation: The RABN to be linked into the RABN header chain was already in the chain.

Response 164
Explanation: More than 30 work areas are allocated for the command.

Response 165
Explanation: A descriptor name was either invalid or did not exist in the Descriptor Value Table.

Response 166
Explanation: An error was detected in an Inverted List index.

Response 167
Explantion: The field a coupled file does not exist or the coupled list is invalid.

Response 168
Explanation: An internal CID required during coupling processing was not found.

Response 170
Explanation: The ADABAS RABN required for the command could not be located.

Response 171
Explanation: The constant set used by ADABAS could not be located.

Response 172
Explanation: An ISN was equal to 0 or larger than the MAXISN setting in effect for the file.
Response Codes Adabas
Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
- 10 -
Response 173
Explanation: An invalid Data Storage RABN was detected.

Response 174
Explanation: The starting Data Storage RABN for an L2/L5 command was not contained in the Address
Converter for the file.

Response 176
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 an incorrect call to ADABAS subroutine was detected: or
 an inconsistency in an Inverted List was detected.

Response 177
Explanation: A record could not be found in the Data Storage block in which it should have been contained
as indicated by the Address Converter.

Response 178
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 an inconsistency was detected between the Field Definition Table and the Internal format
buffer; or
 an internal error occurred when updating a multiple value field.

Response 181
Explanation: AUTOBACKOUT was executed and the start of a transaction could not be located.

Response 182
Explanation: Necessary ET data was not found in the appropriate Work Block.

Response 183
Explanation: An internally assigned number for a data base I/O operation was detected as invalid.

Response 184
Explanation: A phonetic field name could not be found.

Response 185
Explanation: The ADAM field could not be found in the compressed record.

Response 197
Explanation: Dar ENDTRA com mais frequência. - Avisar DBA.

Response 198
Explanation: An attempt was made to duplicate a descriptor value for a unique descriptor.

Response 199
Explanation: During an UPDATE operation, an inconsistency was found in the Inverted List Index.

Response 200
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 A security violation was detected; or
 an invalid cipher code was detected.

Response 201
Explanation: The password specified was not found.
 Movimento cadastrado em produção e não em desenvolvimento.
Response Codes Adabas
Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
- 11 -
 Movimento não cadastrado
 Falta NOMEPGM (...)
 DATA-MOV e DATA-MOV2 diferentes.(Em produção nao é verificado

Response 202
Explanation: An attempt was made to use a file for which the user is not authorized.

Response 203
Explanation: An attempt was made to delete a record in a file for which the user is not authorized.

Response 204
Explanation: A Password-pool overflow occurred.

Response 210
Explanation: Logical ID greater than 255 (internal error).

Response 211
Explanation: Invalid ID table index in UB (internal error).

Response 212
Explanation: Invalid input/output buffer for internal command.

Response 213
Explanation: ID table not found (SVC not properly installed).
Action: Inform the DBA. ADABAS installation procedure not properly executed.

Response 214
Explantion: Internal command issued from ADABAS version 4 ADALINK.

Response 215
Explantion: SVC 04/16 call received from ADABAS Version 4 ADALINK, with ADABAS version 5 UB or

Response 216
Explanation: Command rejected by User Exit.

Response 217
Explanation: Command rejected by User Exit.

Response 218
Explanation: Not enough memory to allocate UB.
Action: Rerun program/utility in a larger region/partition.

Response 220-229 (NET-WORK Response Codes)

Explanation: These response codes are reserved for NET-WORK.
Action: Refer to the Software AG NET-WORK Reference Manuals for more information on the
meanings and use of these response codes.
Avisar DBA

Response 224
Explanation: CTC - Roda SP11 acessa SP12 ou vice-versa. Executar novamente

Response 231-239 (User-defined Response Codes)

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
- 12 -
Explanation: These response codes are assigned in some ADABAS user exits, and have meanings as
defined by the user. One example is the response code in the ADALOG log data field issued
by user exit 4.
Action: Refer to the DBA Reference Manual description of user exits for more information.

Response 250
Explanation: This response code is returned by ADAMINT if an invalid DELETER function is delected.

Response 251
Explanation: This response code is returned by ADAMINT if an invalid UPDATER function is detected.

Response 252
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 an error occurred during ADABAS SVC processing (post error); or
 this response code has been returned by ADAMINT because an invalid REREAD function
was detected.

Response 253
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 an internal error occurred during processing of an attached buffer (buffer overflow); or
 this response code has been returned by ADAMINT because an invalid READSET,
SEQREAD or READVAL function was detected.

Response 254
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
 an internal error occurred during processing of an attached buffer (buffer overflow); or
 this response code has been returned by ADAMINT because an invalid RELEASER
function was detected or else the CT parameter limit was exceeded.
 Concorrência com o On-Line

Response 255
Explanation: All attached buffers were allocated at the time the command was processed.

Response 304
Explanation: Erro de sincronismo
 com macro - se um acesso estiver c/ BDADOS e outro não, tirar BDADOS.

Response 305
Explanation: ENDTRA (ETDATA) em outro DBID.

Response 309
Explanation: Quantidade de registros encontrado maior que QMAX informado

Response 313
Explanation: ISN inválido
 isn = 0
 PROX - testar ISN antes do OBTER
 TODOS - qtde de reg. maior que o QMAX, jogar o QMAX p/ QT.

Response 321
Explanation: Erro na CSA. Contatar DBA / Suporte a Produção

Response 323
Explanation: Nomepgm Incorreto

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
- 13 -
Response 325
Explanation: Ambiente Inválido

Response 327
Explanation: File não cadastrado na CSA. Contatar DBA / Suporte a Produção

Response 328
Explanation: Erro no sincronismo da atualização. Programa tentando atualizar files de dois DBID´s

Response 331 / 332

Explanation: Too Many call Adabas

Response 333
Explanation: Parâmetro da macro EM menor que QMAX

Response 335
Explanation: Falta cartão BDADOS

Outras informações importantes

Bdados: não pode ser usada para:
- files com maior de 255
- files com número físico diferente nos vários DBID´s
- usar número indicado para o DBID desejado.

Descobrir o número do DBID e File físico:(Ex.: 3087)

3087 / 256 = 12 (número do DBID)
3087 - (256 * 12) = 15 (número do FILE)
? HEX(3087) enter
00000C0F C é o número do DBID e F é o número do file

Response Codes Adabas

Propriedade do Banco ABN AMRO REAL S.A.
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