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past continuous

1. Write the ing form of the


1. live ?
rta: living
2.stay ?
rta: staying ?
rta: running ?
rta: winning
5.cycle ?
rta: cycleing
2. Complete the table in past

positive negative question

it was raining, my friend and I
were walking and playing with
the rain, my mom saw us and
told us not to play with the rain
but my brother told my mom I
was not playing with the rain
and my mom believed him, my
Mom was in the kitchen and we
were in the dining room and my
friend and I thanked her for
saying we were not playing
with the rain and it looked like
my mom was listening?
But he did not tell us anything
after we sat down to eat and my
mom my friend caron was not
eating but my mom did not ask
her because after dinner my
friend and I listened to my
brother in his room singing and
we opened the door and we told
him Were you singing And he
said yes because I did not do it
all do it and my friend and I
said we agree that we had never
heard you sing
3. Was or Were?

We were dancing.
The dog was barking.
The printer was printing out a
The pupils were writing a test.
Sue and Gareth was walking up
the hill

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