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Subject Relative Pronouns in Adjective Clauses Practice:

1. This is a type of food that is in the shape of a circle. It usually has cheese and tomato
sauce. What is it?

2. This is a very tall building that attracts millions of visitors a year. The visitors who
pay to visit this monument must be ready for a hike! What is it?

3. This is the only mammal that can fly. It likes to be the most active during the
nighttime. What is it?

4. This is the person who founded the computer company, Apple. He is also someone
who inspired many people to pursue their dreams. Who is he?

5. This is a type of fruit that can be green, red, or yellow. Some people believe if you eat
one every day, you’ll never get sick. What is it?

6. This is a person who goes on vacation to a famous destination. It is someone who

takes a lot of photos and visits all the most popular sights. What kind of person is

7. This is a body of water that is smaller than an ocean. It usually contains fresh water
rather than salt water. What is it?

8. These are creatures that have eight legs and eight eyes. They are creepy visitors that
scare most of us! What are they?

9. This is a type of flower that expresses romantic love. Many people buy twelve at a
time! What is it?

10. These are balls of fire that light up the sky at night. There are fifty of them on the
American flag. What are they?

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