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Secosana, Camille L.

BSED- English

Formative Assessment I-Linguistics 3

I. Divide the following words into morphemes:

1. Unwillingly -un,will,ing,ly.

2. Graceful-gra,ce,ful.

3. Breathing-brea,thing.

4. Credibility – cre,di,bili,ty.

5. Assists - assist,s.

6. pens - pen,s.

7. Unlovingly - un,lov,in,gly.

8. Reimbursement – re,im,burse,ment.

9. Ideological – idea,logic,cal.

10. Senses – sense,s. 

II. Draw the word structure of the following:

1. chronically 2.undevelope

Adverb Adverb

Adjective Adjective


Affix adjective Affix Affix affix adjective verb

Chroni - cal - ly Un – de – vel - oped

3. odourless 4. Breakaway

Adjectives phrase verb

Noun suffix Verb Adverb

Odor - less Break - away

5. impatiently 

Prefix Adjectives suffix

Im - patient - ly

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