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Imagine a situation wherein it's Sunday, you plan to go to the beach because it's
your free time, you want to be at peace with the serenity of the waves, but yet—there's
a sudden thought, you want to go to the church because you remembered it's Sabbath
day, and you come up to a plan to go to the church and make your plans, after the
service. Why is that? Why is there a flinch of thought making you remember the
necessary things?

The holy spirit has made its way to our hearts the moment we accepted Jesus
Christ as our personal Lord and savior, and this is one of its responsibilities—to speak
to us that we are in need to be righteous, to be holy in the sight of the Father. But it
doesn't end there; without the holy spirit, we draw to follow the desires of our flesh, and
our flesh is a great deceiver. Through it, we are convicted of dwelling on the desires of
our flesh.

The spirit is a gift-giver. It helps us possess wisdom, understanding, counsel,

fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. These gifts we received allow us to live
more righteous in this world, knowing that temptations surround us and our human
nature is to sin. Not just a gift-giver, but the spirit is also a fruit producer; He begins the
work on harvesting His fruit in our lives--charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity.
These will never be the works of our flesh because it is not capable of doing such, but
it's the product of the spirit's presence in our lives.

The fact that the spirit lives in our lives, that He is capable of all these miraculous
functions, that He dwells in our lives forever is a clear manifestation that God never
wants the worst of us; instead, he always wants the best for us.

The holy spirit is that sudden splash of teeny-tiny voice that convicts you to do the
things that glorify the Lord, to do the things that help your fellow human, to think
righteously, and to live with His presence. The world needs more people like that; in
these challenging times, we must strengthen our faith and believe that things work out
for our good. We should never neglect the Holy Spirit, for it is a gift from God to us. We
are comforted, we are convicted, we are loved. Thank God for the Holy Spirit!

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