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In a diverse workplace, competitive advantage is gained not only by recognizing diversity, but also by

cultivating an environment of inclusion, in which individuals strive toward a similar goal while feeling
encouraged, resulting in increased productivity and employee commitment. Here are some advantages
listed below:

1. Diverse competencies
Each employee contributes a unique set of capabilities to the company. A varied workforce
delivers a diverse range of competencies by definition.
A small skill set is often a drawback of a homogeneous workforce. While that reduced set of
capabilities may be ideal for the organization's current aims, it isn't likely to stay that way

2. Diverse perspectives
One of the most basic, but frequently overlooked, benefits of workplace diversity is that it
allows people to work together more effectively. A company that hires a diverse pool of
candidates has access to a much larger pool of highly qualified people than one that does not. A
company that hires a diverse pool of candidates has access to a much larger pool of highly
qualified people than one that does not. This is a fantastic achievement.

3. Diverse culture
Hiring for cultural fit is a common organizational strategy, but there comes a point where it
becomes a barrier to diversity and success.
We may be on the verge of establishing a situation in which companies look to be extremely
different but are fundamentally the same. Even though their backgrounds are vastly different,
they will hire people that fit the same profile. As a result, the organization will appear diverse—
but we all know how false appearances can be. Hiring comparable people on a regular basis isn't
a culture-building exercise; at most, it's culture maintenance. With each hire, diversity and
inclusion assist to enhance that foundation, but the key is to look at diversity from a broad

4. Diverse candidate pool

This may be one of the most basic, but often neglected, advantages of workplace
diversity. An organization that hires diverse applicants has access to a considerably
bigger pool of highly skilled individuals than one that does not. An organization that
hires diverse applicants has access to a considerably bigger pool of highly skilled
individuals than one that does not. That's a significant advantage. Expanding the top of
the hiring funnel to include a broader range of candidates will almost surely enhance
outcomes in the long run.

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