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1. When are you outgoing? When are you shy? 1. Have you ever been to South Africa?
2. Do you prefer serious or easygoing people? Why? 2. Have you ever taken a long trip on a boat?
3. When are you on time? Are you ever late? 3. Have you ever forgotten a friend’s name?
4. What are people in your family like? 4. Have you ever danced the tango?
1. How could you be more organized? 5. What’s a sport you’ve always wanted to try?
2. Do you think most people are honest? Why or why 1. Have you ever found some money?
not? 2. Have you ever lost something valuable?
3. Do you learn languages easily? Or is it difficult? 3. Have you ever been to Paris?
4. What are people in your neighborhood like? 4. Have you ever been in a hospital?
1. When are you a hard worker? 5. What’s a subject you’ve always wanted to know more
2. When are your friends competitive? about?
3. Is it ever OK to be selfish? When? 1. Have you ever met a famous person?
4. What are young people like around here? 2. Have you ever had Russian food?
3. Have you ever done something embarrassing?
4. Have you ever won a contest?
5. What’s a skill or a talent you’ve always wanted to
1. What’s the largest city you’ve ever visited? 1. When you were a kid, did your parents make you work
2. What’s the most exciting trip you’ve ever taken? around the house?
3. What’s the most popular monument in this country? 2. What did your parents think about your friends?
1. What’s the nicest beach you’ve ever seen? 3. Who was your favorite relative when you were growing
2. What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited? up? Why?
3. What’s the best thing for a tourist to see in this 4. What did you use to do on summer break?
country? 1. When you were growing up, who helped you do your
1. What’s the most beautiful natural feature you’ve ever homework?
seen? 2. Did your parents make you eat any foods you didn’t
2. What’s the most difficult time you’ve ever had on a like? What foods?
trip? 3. What was your family like? Did you grow up in an
3. What’s the most interesting place to visit in this extended or blended family?
country? 4. What kinds of activities did you use to do after school?
1. When you were younger, what did your parents make
you do that you didn’t like? 2. What were your parents
always telling you to do when you were a child? 3. Who
was your favorite aunt or uncle? Why? 4. What did your
family use to do on weekends?
1. What foods are good for your health?
2. Do you think it’s good to eat beef every day?
3. Do you have enough time to eat a good breakfast
every day? What do you eat?
4. Do you like (fried / boiled / . . .) eggs?
1. What foods can improve your mood?
2. How many fruits and vegetables should you eat every
3. How much fast food do you eat?
4. Do you like (baked / mashed / . . . ) potatoes?
1. What foods should people avoid?
2. Do you think green tea is good for your health?
3. Do you usually have enough time to cook dinner? What
do you make?
4. Do you like (smoked / fried / . . . ) fish?

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