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Among the four major paradigms (Philosophical, Sociological, Anthropological, and

Psychological) what is the most and least needed in this time of pandemic? Kindly explain your
answer by contextualizing your thoughts in the specific theory (make sure to choose one topic
you think is essential and not essential)

Most needed
For me, Psychological is the most needed today this pandemic, due to this crisis outbreak all
of us, all over the world rather being suffered in different problems, our environment can affect
our minds and behavior. This kind of crisis that happened today has a big impact on our mental
and emotional behavior. Because of this new normal setup. We have lots of adjustments and
protocols that we must follow. In my own observation, this pandemic has negative effects on
many people’s mental health. Its created new barriers for people already suffering from mental
illness and disorders. During the pandemic, some of us facing anxiety or depression that has
negative impacts on our mental health and well-being, such as difficulty sleeping, eating,
increases in alcohol consumption due to worry and stress over the coronavirus. As the pandemic
wears on, ongoing and necessary public health measures expose many people to experiencing
situations linked to poor mental health outcomes, such as job loss and family member loss.
Today, we must be more strong individuals to facing this pandemic. Not only our physical health
are important but mostly our mental health.

Least needed
For me, Sociological is the least needed today, We are in the new normal setup in which social
distancing is needed, and some places having an ECQ in which they can’t go outside. How we
can socialize with other people if we can’t getting closer to them? Thru social media? Maybe.
But we all know that as long as we are facing this pandemic. We can’t have socialization with
others, especially now that there is news that some places and countries facing another dominant
variance of this COVID-19 virus. It was called the delta variance, its causes more infections and
spreads faster than earlier forms of the virus that causes COVID-19. It might cause more severe
illness than previous strains in unvaccinated people. Our world has become more dangerous
nowadays. We are not fully recovered in the covid-19 virus and there is one another that is more
dangerous. So for me, sociological is least needed today. Safeness is more relevant than

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