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Idiom-based Lexical Studies

Final Test 2020

1. Write down your name, index number, class (105, 305, or 403) on the answer sheet.
2. Read the instruction of each section carefully.
3. The test consists of 60 items.
4. Wrong answers do not subtract correct answers, so try to do all items.

A. Provide the meaning of each idiom below. Just write down the answers
1. see eye to eye
2. make ends meet
3. close call
4. run into
5. Like a fish out of water
6. Spread like wild fire
7. Hit the nail on the head
8. Gain ground
9. Pass away
10. To make a pig of oneself
B. Provide the English idiomatic equivalent for each of the following Indonesian
expressions. Just write down the answers.
11. bertangan panjang (suka mencuri)
12. tertangkap basah
13. terlahir dari orang tua yang kaya raya
14. pelit
15. menerima suap
16. dalam situasi sulit
17. tidak enak badan
18. mengejar bayang bayang
19. mulai makin popular
20. praktis dan masuk akal

C. Nouns can be made from phrasal verbs, for instance, ‘overspill’. Complete the
following nouns, all of which with words from the list below. Use each word only
once. Just write down the answers on your answer sheet.

break burst cast come cry

fit lay let look set

21. 1. A man rejected by his own people is an out …

22. 2. An out … of typhoid has been reported in that area.
23. 3. We are still waiting to hear the out … of the government inquiry into ther rail disaster.

24. 4. There has been a huge public out … against the proposal to demolish old buildings
25. 5. “And now the weather forecast. Today, there will be rain everywhere. The out …for
the weekend: more rain.”
26. 6. Suddenly Sue lost her temper and started screaming and swearing. Everyone was
shocked by her out …
27. 7. Everyone knew from her out … that the plan would not work.
28. 8. I decided to treat myself from the out …, including new shoes, to go on holiday.
29. 9. Apart from the initial out … on equipment; it cost us very little to set up business.
30. 10. A shop is a retail out … for manufactured goods.

Match and complete. Just write down the answers.

31. short basis ________________________
32. key venture ________________________
33. slight element ________________________
34. joint disagreement ________________________
35. reasonable adjournment ________________________

36. The project would be a ____________________. The idea is that we work together as partners.

37. A _____________________ in the success of the company was in the ability to change with the

38. I think this would be a good moment to have a ___________________ shall we say 15 minutes?

39. I had a ______________________ with the boss yesterday. It was not over anything serious

40. That strikes me as a ________________ for discussion

Each sentences in the first group uses the same phrasal verbs as a sentence in the second
group. Find the pairs of sentences by putting the following verbs into the sentences. ( in
some cases, you need to change the tense or form of the verbs). Just write down the

Bump into clear up cover up cut down leak out

Let off look ever play at set off stand by

41. He should have gone to prison but the judge … him … with a caution.
42. I … what I said: I refuse to take back a word of it.
43. There is a wonderful view from our back window because we … the golf course.
44. It’s raining quite heavily at the moment, but I hope it will … later in time for the
45. There used to be a lovely old oak tree in the garden, but it became so dangerous that we
decided to … it …

46. In Muslim countries women tourists are advised to wear long dresses with long sleeves in
order to … their bare arms and legs.
47. I happened to … Kate the other day; I hadn’t seen her for ages.
48. We decided to … early in order to avoid the morning traffic jams.
49. What do you think you’re …? Stop at once!
50. No matter how hard you try to keep a secret. It always … sooner or later.

51. The bright colors of the roses were … by the soft yellow brick of the garden wall.
52. There was a hole in the bottom of the flask, and all the liquid …
53. Although it seems just the house we wanted, we decided to … it very carefully before
making up our minds to buy it.
54. It is very dangerous to … fireworks when holding them in your hand.
55. After a party, do you … the mess right away, or do leave it until the next morning?
56. The children were in the garden … cowboys and Indians.
57. A large lady with an even larger shopping basket … me the other day, and practically
knocked me over.
58. You really ought to stop smoking, but if you won’t, then you should at least try to … to
no more than ten a day.
59. A woman was attacked in the street. Instead of going to help her, other people just … and
watched. Isn’t that terrible?
60. The Nixon administration tried to … the truth about Watergate, but two journalists
managed to find out what had really happened.


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