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1. James VI of Scotalnd was ……..

of Elizabeth I
a. The son
b. The father
c. The nephew
2. The first union flag was created in the…….
a. 17th century
b. 16th century
c. 18th century
3. At the time when the final version of the flag appeared England and
a. Were separated
b. Were part of France
c. Constituted one country
4. What happened after the Charles I was put to death?
a. Oliver Cromwell introduced a Commonwealth flag.
b. The first union flag appeared
c. King James I took the throne
5. The cross of saint David …
a. Can be found on the Union Jack
b. Cannot be found on Union Jack
c. Stands for Scotland
6. Is the cross of St. Patrick still represented on the modern British
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it isn’t
c. Not mentioned
7. Union Jack consists of the three banners of….
a. England, France and Scotland
b. Wales, Ireland and England
c. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland
8. Saint David was a….
a. A patron saint of England
b. A patron saint of Wales
c. A patron saint of Scotland


1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B

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