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Coffee is popular around the world. The past centuries, few subjects have been
as carefully studied as coffee. Its more important component is caffeine and it
has lots of benefits.

Coffee has been well know since the beginning of the 14th century, when Sufi
Yemenis started using coffee to stay alert during special activities. It became a
popular medicine among Europeans in the1600s.

Caffeine was first described in the 1800s by Ferdinand runge, a doctor that
found out some effects that coffee has on pepople.

Some people say drinking coffee isn`t good, but doctors say you mustn`t
believe this. Thanks to cafffeine you don`t get hungry. Coffee can also reduce
headaches and blood problems. because many people believe coffee is bad,
studies show it is good for your heart.

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It is an africa animal, which is called the simien jackal. Some scientists have
said close relationship its to grey wolves and coyotes is evident. These
etiopian wolves are more similar to grey scientists also believe there are about
450 of them living in wild conditions. The largest group of Etiopian wolves
exists in the bale mountains national park.


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