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Cr (OTELLO.) G. VERDI. Adagio. (6 = 62) —_ PIAN pp e legatissino, VOICE. a a € 6 6 see ove Maria pie- ma di doe Ma~ gm a Hajl_ Ma- ry, full, full of Hail! col canto. === % == =——==S ete « oe ee aa * * i if Z v uy Tey t ¥ £ p grazia, e- Iet-fa fra le spo-see le Yer-gi-ni sei tu, sia_bo~ ne- det. foi plenn, Do-mi-wis— fe= cum, — Do-mi-nas fe-crm,—— Be-ne-div=ta grace, The Lordthe Lord is with thee, the Lord,theLord is with thee, Blessed, bless-ed Lo | Ae = = frutto, 0 be-ne - Get’. ta, di tue ma-ter-ne vi- sce-re Ge - st ty, fu-ter mili ~ = ribus, et he-ne- die-tus fructus ventristn-i Je ~ sul art thou Blest amongst wom- an, Blessed is the fruit thouhast born Je - senor Copyright 1887, by G, Schirmer, » Printed fatheU.5. A. dole, ——_~.. Fre - ga per chi ado - ran-doa te - si stray Do - mi nus te ~ eum, = ms fe - — -eum, Pray thou for him who wor - ship bows low a tempo. dolee, == pre- ga pel pec-ca - tor, per lin. no . cen - Be - ~ne-die- ta th. be - ne ~ die - Pray thou for_sin-ners, pray for good_men © pel do- bo- le op - pres. soe - sen - te, mn - ter mu-li-e~ re ~ busy et ~ die - tus, Pray for great and might-y, pray for low - ly, tua pie - t& di- -mo - + stra. ven = tris tu = Je - = su. like-wise thy great = mer - cy — show. 4 SS animaudo. narcato. Pre - ga per chi sot-to Tol - trag-gio pie-ga la fron - - tee Sane - ta Ma-ri-a, Ma ~ ri-a Ma -~ ter De - oat Pray thou too for him who through grief ex- is - tence view - ~ eth ala con espreasione, one animando, doleiss, = ———_ sot-to la mal-wva- gia sor - tes per noi, per noi, tu o-m, 0 = 1a pro no.~ bis, Sane- ta Ma-ri - a, Whom a cru- el fate por - su eth; For us, for us thy Tempo I, dolce. - Yous ra del- pre - By pre-ga" sempre Ma - ter. De-i, O-rapro no-bis, peo-e bus nune et in >. ers! us__al-ways! as pray ers! Pray forus_al-ways! Pray for us _ now. ‘And_in_the = i PPP ————. doleiss. larg: marcato. mor-te no - - bray Pre-ga per noi, pre ronoi, per ho - ra mor-tis nostra. O- ra pro no-his, 0-ra pro mo ~~ hour of our — dy- ings To thee for help, to-thee were cry - - crese. molt. 260 morendo. { : NU eaito. fea nell 0 - ra del- Ja mor - tu ho ra mor=tis nos ~ ‘When comes the hour of dy 5

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