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A. Y. 2021-21


Technical Questions:
1. Mobile shoppee is giving 10% discount for all members , extra 5% discount for prime
members and 500 rs cashback on shopping of 10000 rs.
2. Guess output
public class Persistent
public static void main(String ar[])

3. Find the occurrences of alphabets

4. Difference between stack and queue
5. How to convert stack into queue
6. Difference between ID and class in html
7. OOPS concepts
8. Abstraction in detail
9. Overloading and overriding


Technical Questions:
1. Explain Linked lists and its types
2. Logic for identifying Palindrome in a string.
3. Logic of bubble sort
4. Difference between Bubble and heap sort
5. Box selectors in CSS
6. Hoisting in Javascript
7. Types of sort
8. Padding and margins in CSS


Technical Questions:
1. How will you add email-id or name in the database?
2. How to create a database.
3. Logic to swap two integers (with and without 3rd variable)
4. Logic to identify prime numbers
5. Logic to identify palindrome
6. Difference between built-in and runtime error.
7. Features of OOPs.
8. Give real-life examples for polymorphism and abstraction (How to explain a non-tech person).


Technical Questions:
1. About Mini project and idea of final year project.
2. DBMS - normalisation,1NF,types of joins
3. OOP - abstraction, interference, virtual class
4. DS - types of data structure, how to traverse link list
5. If you want to find middle element of the LL and you don't know the end of the list then how
will you find the middle element of the list using only one loop .
6. Write the code to count number of words in a paragraph
For eg :
Input: I am an Indian
I live in Pune
Output: 8


Technical Questions:
1. Types of clouds providers
2. Types of aws cloud services
3. Write a code for the given pattern:
4. Write a query to find 2nd highest salary
5. Difference between delete, drop and truncate.
6. Explain Encapsulation with an example.
Student Name: Renu Kanthi
Technical Questions:
1. Python program to find average of words in 2 sentences
2. Mysql - print data from row no. 25
3. Reverse a string using single for loop
4. How to sort circuits
5. Where will you schedule a process in os

Student Name: Harshada Ankam

Technical Questions:
1. Mobile shoppee is giving 10% discount for all members, extra 5% discount for prime
members and 500 Rs. cash back on shopping of 10000 rs.
2. Guess output
public class Persistent
public static void main(String ar[])
3 .Find the occurrences of alphabets
4. OOP‟s concept
5. Difference between CSS ID and CSS class
6. Overloading and Overriding

Student Name: Bhumika Trivedi

Technical Questions:
1. Third Year project...also Have you deployed it on playstore. If not,why?
2. OOPS concept- Encapsulation with example, types of inheritance
3. Desktop based application and web based application. (is internet required for both?)
4. Difference between drop, delete, truncate.
5. Can we delete all the rows using delete. (If we can, then what is the use of truncate.)
6. Stored procedure.
7. Switch, hub, router.
8. OSI model
9. Protocols
10. What is Http? Difference between http and https.
11. Pattern printing logic
12. Dynamic polymorphism and static polymorphism.

Student Name: Ritika Rai

Technical Questions:
1. Name different types of data structures.
2. Define tree data structure. Give a real life example.
3. Types of normalization
4. What is an abstract class?
5. Print the permutations of a given number.
6. Final year project topic and domain.

Student Name: Pratiksha Kawale

Technical Questions:
1. Logic to identify prime numbers
2. Logic to identify palindrome in a string with example
3. OOPS concepts with real life examples
4. Explain Linked List
5. What is session
6. Joins and types of joins
7. Difference between inner join and outer join
8. Write a program
Input- 310
Output- 103


Technical Questions:
1. Introduction
2. What projects you have developed in your academic period
3. Explain your final year project and your role in that
4. How is your project different than the products that we already have in the market
5. What is JVM? Is it platform independent
6. Inheritance in JAVA? What types of inheritance we can have in java
7. If we want to call the constructor of base class from child(in inheritance) how we will do that
8. Write syntax for multiple and multilevel inheritance
9. Overloading and overriding. Similarities and differences
10. What are Abstract classes?
11. How do you resolve ambiguity errors in inheritance?
12. What is DSA you mentioned in your skills?
13. What is the difference between linked List and queue?
14. For traversing the linked list we use the condition next! = null. Suppose you are given a
linked list and you don't know the number of nodes in the list and you are asked to find the
third last element in the list. How will you do that in one iteration.
15. Rate yourself in sql on the scale of 1-10
16. Explain Joint and Union in sql
17. What is a cursor in sql
18. Write a query: Given a table having employ id and employee salary count total number of
19. Write a query: Given a table having employ id and employee salary, in output we should get
salary and how many employees have that salary( No table given use your imagination for
the table)
20. How are images and videos stored in the sql table
21. In real time most of the time the videos and images are stored in the local devices having
their paths defined in the table. What is the benefit of doing so?
22. Puzzle: Given 9 identical balls have the same shape colour. One of them has a slightly large
weight which you can only find through the weighing machine. In how many attempts can
you find the ball having maximum weight.
23. Coding Question: Given a file having a paragraph. Print the frequency of each word from
that paragraph.
Eg. Hello, How are you? What are you doing?
Output: Hello-1 How-1 are-2 you-2 what-1 doing-1
24. Coding question: Given a sequence of digits. Print all the possible combinations of the digits
form the sequence.
E.g. sequence- 123
Output- 231,321,132,213,312,123

Student name: Geeta Thorat

Technical Questions:
1. About mini project
2. Are you aware of web services?
3. Difference between web based application and desktop based application
4. Encapsulation with example
5. Types of joins
6. Primary key and foreign key
7. Can we delete a primary key from table?
8. Stored procedure
9. OSI model
10. What is http and it's port number
11. Write a code for the given pattern


Student Name: Akanksha Prakash Kadam

Technical Questions:
1. Pattern Question- Display the following pattern
2. In linked list 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80, Add new element before 40
3. What are classes and objects.
4. Inheritance and types
5. What is normalization and demoralization
6. Difference between Primary and foreign Key.
7 What is black box and white box testing?

Student Name: Pratiksha Sutar

Technical Questions:
1. What is difference between method overloading & overriding?
2. What is polymorphism & its example?
3. What is linked list?
4. What is join & its types?
5. Write program to print string “Shashank”
6. What is data abstraction?
7. What is foreign key?
8. Difference between tuple & list
9. Difference between set & dictionary
10. What is testing?
11. What are operations performed on stack?
12. What is DML & its command?
13. How to handle exception in python?

Student Name: Malleshwari Bhandari

Technical Questions:
1. Internships done
2. What is a linked list?
3. Insert query in sql
4. Joins in sql
5. Palindrome number meaning with some examples.
6. Is it possible to swap two numbers with using a third variable,if yes then how?
7. Coding question: Mark has 10 counters each from where he can take multiple cards.He can
take total 6 cards and the counters from where the cards are taken are noted. Eg-246232,which
means at first attempt he took card from 2nd counter,then from 4th counter and then from 6th
counter and so on.
Write a code to find out how many cards he had taken a particular counter.
Input : 242562
Output : 3
Explanation : 2 occurs 3 times in the sequence.
8. Box selectors in CSS

Student Name: Srushti Pawar

Technical Questions:
1. What are features of OOP?
2. How to access methods of abstract class?
3. How to implement queue using stack?
4. What is constructor overloading?
5. What is linked list?
6. Final year project
7. Amazon gives 10% discount on mobile phone to all customers,and extra 5% to prime
members.And 500 cashback on shopping of 10000 or more.
8. SQL query for displaying record of employee where id is 26
9. Input : aaabbcccdeeee
Output : a3b2c3de4
10. Guess output
public class Persistent
public static void main(String ar[])

11. Guess output

12. What is difference between class and id in CSS?


Technical Questions:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Explain set , tuple , list , dictionary
3. Write the code for occurrence of character in a paragraph
4. Write the SQL Query for updating this column name with a specific ID
5. What is Alter used for?
6. What is DML?
7. Write SQL Query to display rows with specific condition
8. Write a code to
9. What is Software Testing?
10. What is White Box and Black Box testing?
11. If you were the head of Youtube what are the five main test cases that you will be facing
12. Let‟s say you write in the search box , and the website does not open , what are
the troubleshooting tips that we are given
13. What is Quick Sort?
14. What are constructors?
15. What are the types of constructors?
16. What are the different ways to copy an object of python?
17. What is Polymorphism?
18. Give an example of polymorphism using the kitchen
19. If I do not write static word in public static void main(string{} arg) then what will be the
Output? Or what will be the error
20. What are different types of joins in mysql?
21. What does Outer join do to two Tables?
22. What does outer join do to duplicate values once the two tables are merged?
23. What is Encapsulation?
24. Give a real world eg of encapsulation

Student Name: Srushti Jadhav

Write code to display the following pattern

Student Name: Shivani V. Barbate

Technical questions:
1. Difference between void and null
2. Difference between http and https
3. Logic of quick sort
4. Python program to find largest number
5. Layers of OSI model
6. Foreign key and primary key
7. Unique key
8. What is Abstraction?
9. If you enter www.facebook .com on web portal and login pages didn‟t appear what are
the crumbles you will take to resolve the problem
10. How will you handle exception in python?
11. In java if „public static void main‟ written as „public static main‟ so will code run. If not
then what will be the error
12. What is polymorphism
13. Overriding and Overloading
14. Constructor and Destructor

Student Name: Vishwajeeta Avinash Gholap

Technical questions:
1. Difference between void and null
2. Write a program to count the occurrence of certain character in given string
3. Layers of OSI model
4. Foreign key
5. What is Abstraction?
6. If you enter www.facebook .com on web portal and login pages didn‟t appear what are the
crumbles you will take to resolve the problem
7. How will you handle exception?
8. What is polymorphism?
9. Overriding and Overloading
10. Constructor and Destructor

Student Name: Tamasa Sarkar

Technical Questions:
1. Introduction
2. OOPs features
3. Linked List
4. Stack/Queue explain
5. Constructor overloading
6. Access modifiers
7. Exception handling
8. 4 coding questions
9. SQL query
10. Project explanation in short

Student Name: Disha Vijay Mhaske

Technical Questions:
1. Write code to Display the following pattern
2. Write function to add new element before 40 in linked list 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80.
3. Inheritence vs Polymorphism
4. Explain Waterfall model
5. What is normalisation ?Why is it required
6. Phases of SDLC.
Student Name: Anushka Urunkar
Technical Questions:
2. What is Http and https?
3. What are web services?
4. Pattern program
5. Difference between Drop, Delete and truncate
6. What is stack?
7. What is queue?
8. What is router?
9. What is hub?
10. Difference between router and hub

Student Name: Vidya Zuluk

Technical Questions
1. Types of data structures
2. Where linked list is used in what's app?
3. Exception handling?
4. Default exception handler in java

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