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Activity no.

2 Case Study
1. You have just bought a tropical fish for your freshwater aquarium. Unfortunately,
you did not realize it is a saltwater fish. Explain why this fish will not survive in
your aquarium.
Saltwater fish can’t live in the fresh water, because salt fish has a
high concentration of salt in their cell that’s why they can’t live in the fresh
water because their body is high concentrated with salt.
2. If you stir 2 tablespoons of iced-tea, mix into a 16 oz glass water, you would
make a delicious summer drink. If you let the glass stand out for several days,
would that drink be separated into its parts?
No, because ice tea is a homogenous mixture, because it is evenly
3. Why do the particles in a colloid stay suspended in a liquid, while the particles in
a suspension settled out?
The particles stay settle because of the gravity and sometimes they
are electrically charged, while the particles is more heavier than the
solution, so the gravity can able to pull them downwards.
4. Spray paint is listed as being an aerosol- however, it’s commonly observed that
spray paint released into the air causes small drops of paint to settle on the floor?
Explain this phenomenon.
Spray paint and aerosol they are both suspension, some of paint
droplets is big to stay suspended, that’s why they drop to the floor
and some they just float around the room.

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