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@media print {

/* default font styling for all elements */

html * { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;}

/* style for a caption that is inline with other text */

.inlineCaption {display:inline;font-weight:bold;color: #333333;}

/* class to specifically hide element during printing */

.noPrint { display:none; }

/* class to indicate that a page break should follow the element */

.breakAfter { page-break-after:always; }

/* class to indicate that a page break should follow the element */

.breakBefore { page-break-before:always; }

/* styles that control the layout of the admin page

#storeHeader { display:none;}
#footer {display:none;}

/* style for the header panel */

#rightSidebar { display:none; width:1px; overflow:hidden; }

/* style for the footer panel */

#leftSidebar { display:none; width:1px; overflow:hidden; }

/* provide margin for main panel - otherwise right border fails to print in IE */
#mainPanel { margin:4px; }
#pageHeader h1 {color:#000;}
div.widget { border:1px solid #3C3939;}
div.widget .header { border-bottom:1px solid #3C3939; background:none; }
div.widget .header h2 { color:#000; }
table.widget { border:1px solid #3C3939;}
table.widget caption {background:none; border:1px solid #3C3939;color:#000;}
.breadCrumbs {display:none;}

#innerPageContainer {border:none;}

div.links {display:none;}

div.addNoteForm {display:none;}

/* close the print media selector */


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