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The Circuits and Gates

The Integration Circuit:

57/34 Channel of Power
34/20 Channel of Charisma
57/10 The Channel of Perfected Form
10/20 The Channel of Awakening

The Integration Circuit contains channels that are “missing” in the other circuits.
Integration is a very complex and difficult circuit in that it is truly the circuitry that
embodies the energy of The Soul of Humanity embodied into form.

Integration is intuitive, motorized by Life Force and Identity driven. When hominids first
cam into form they expressed only the Integration Circuit. The theme of Integration is
the phrase “I Am”. The job of the Integration Circuit is to develop awareness of the Self
as differentiated and conscious in form.

When we are not in incarnated form, we exist as formless, undifferentiated unity. It is in

human form that we experience the illusion of being separate and define ourselves by our
uniqueness. We think of ourselves as different from others. We perceive ourselves to be
separate human beings, not a unified whole. This is the power of the human experience.

Through perceiving ourselves as separate, we are separate not only from each other, but
from God. We seek enlightenment and it is through the Integration Circuitry that we are
simultaneously separated and awakened to unity.

On a more practical note, Integration is a profoundly individual circuit. People who have
a lot of the Integration Circuit are highly mutative and deeply individual. They may
sometimes struggle to feel like they “fit in” or belong. It is, after all, the individuated
human experience.

People with Integration need time, which seems counter-intuitive as Integration is rooted
in the Spleen. But Integration needs time for inner reflection and creating new paradigms
as new experiences are “integrated” into the archetype of being human. And, of course,
in addition to time, Integration also needs to respond. It is a generated circuit.

In spite of it’s intuitive nature, the Gate 57, especially, can vacillate and struggle with
uncertainty. Time to “integrate” or go into the proverbial cave is crucial for these people,
especially on an interpersonal level.

Of all the circuits, Integration can be one of the more difficult circuits to understand. It is
existential, not at all practical and purely about the Self. It is not uncommon for people
with significant channels of Integration defined to be very self-referenced. This is not
selfish. This isn’t even personal. It’s just energy.
34/57 The Channel of Power

This is the original channel of the human archetype. When hominids first came into
form, it was this energy that defined the original separation of humanity. The 34 is
Power and the 57 is Intuition. This is intuitively based Life Force.

This channel is also deeply auditory and intuitive. People with this channel are
frequently employed in some sort of audio production. Sound distortions can be very
challenging for people with this channel and can be especially challenged if they ever
lose their hearing.

People with this channel tend to be very clairaudient and can “hear” voices or intuitive
guidance. They will also hear changes in your voice and will intuit things about you
from your words and your tone.

Gate 34
Tradtional I-Ching name: The Power Of The Great
Human Design Name: The Gate Of Power
Astrological Sign: Sagitarious
Biology: Ovaries and Testes

The Gate 34 is a very powerful gate in the Human Design system. It is the busiest gate in
the Human Design system. As it is rooted in the Sacral, it is generated energy and life
force based. This gate is the only gate coming out of the Sacral that has the potential to
be asexual. The 34 can be too busy to have sex. Or, depending on their defintion they
may also be very busy having sex.

The 34 is the base Gate for the archetype of the Manifesting Generator so it has the
potential for great power but there is an irony associated with the power of the 34. It is
powerful but only powerful when it responds. It is Generated, not manifested.
Generators with the 34 who push and initiate their power will not be successful in the
expression of their power and consequently feel very frustrated.

The 34 is the “multi-task” gate. A person with the 34 is designed to have many things
going on at once. It is crucial to look at where the 34 connects in a chart. This will
determine the expression of the 34. If it makes it to the throat, these people will really
struggle to live out their Generator nature.

Their response will be so quick that they may not always be aware of the initiating event
that led to the response.

If a Non-sacral person has the 34, when their Sacral gets under pressure they will be the
busiest people on the planet, but not sustainably.

Gate 57
Traditional I’Ching Name: The Gentle
Human Design Name: Penetrating Intuition
Astrological Sign: Libra
Biology: Spleen and Lymph

The 57 is the most intuitive gate in the Human Design system. In the traditional I’Ching,
the 57th hexagram is the gentle wind that parts the clouds so that the sun can shine
through. The penetrating intuition of the 57 allows the truth to be revealed. It is clear
and in the now. Sometimes we call the 57 the Gate of Clarity.

Ironically, in spite of it’s penetrating capacity for clarity, the 57 on it’s own can be a very
uncertain and unclear energy. Most people question their intuition. It is not logical. The
intuition of the 57 is in the now and the now changes. What is truth in one moment may
not be truth in another so people who have the Gate 57 in a prominent place in their
charts may really struggle with trusting themselves and their intuition.

Strategy can resolve this dilemna. The spleen is an awareness center. It is about thinking
and being aware. Strategy can bypass the mental aspects of the indeciveness of the 57
and allow the person to enjoy the benefits of their intuition instead of wrestling with self-

People with the 57 are endowed with deep psychic abilities. It helps to see what else is in
the chart to help you identify just how psychic abilities show up.

The 57 is a Fear Gate, rooted in the Spleen. The fear of the 57 is a fear of the future.
This can also be some of the root cause of the lack of clarity in the 57. When the 57 sees
a future that is potential unclear or frightening, they can be paralyzed in inaction. As
with all splenic fears, pushing through the fear makes the fear short-lived. But, not
pushing through can leave a person stuck in fear.

The 57/10 The Channel of Perfected Form

In the evolution of the human, this was the second channel that evolved, the perfected
form of intuition. This channel contains the intuitive, perfected awareness of how to
survive in the now.

People with this channel are great people to follow. They always know how to survive.
They intuitively know the safest route out of disaster or the best way around an obstacle.

57/10 people are perfectionists. As this channel is rooted in the spleen, people can get
stuck in their fear that they “can’t get it perfect”. It is common for this channel to stop
taking action if they think they will make a mistake. But it is deeper than just a fear of
making a mistake. This is a deep desire to get it perfect and intuitively they know how to
do this.
But, notice that this channel is non- motorized and does not make it to the throat. It is
totally projected. When the 57/10 tries to offer up their expression of perfection, no one
listens. It is only through invitation that the perfection is recognized.

As this is a deeply individual channel, when recognition doesn’t happen, coupled with a
fear of not getting it “perfect” people with this energy can truly take it personally. The
truth is, they are mutative, offering new and unique perfected expressions that will not be
adaptive if they are not invited out of a person. There is no sacral here, so there is no
frustration, only bitterness.

The Gate 10
Traditional I’Ching Name: Treading
Human Design Name: The Gate of The Love Of The Self
Astrological Sign: Sagitarious on the cusp of Capricorn
Biology: The Liver

In the Human Design system, this is one of the most significant gates. It is rooted in the
Identity Center and associated with empowerment. This is a deeply individual gate the
empowerment of individuality is lived out by example, not by teaching. The individual
empowers others to live out their magnificence by demonstrating their own magnificence.

The Gate 10 can be a difficult energy. This is a Gate of taking personal responsibility or
blaming others. As this energy can be amplified by those who do not have it, the theme
of blame can be prevalent in the life of the person carrying the energy of the Gate 10.
People with the Gate 10 get blamed or blame others when they live out the Conditioned

It is vital to see where the Gate 10 connects. With the 57 we have Perfected Form and
intuitive survival. With the 34 we have the Centering Circuit which is again associated
with the perfected form of survival and direction.

The 10/20 is the Channel of Awakening. This is a totally projected channel of awareness.
This can sometimes be referred to as the Guru Channel. The true Guru only shares their
awakeness and awareness when asked.

The 10/20 in relationship can be expressed in a challenging form. The 10/20

configuration, sometimes called the “Verbal Gunslinger” can be well known for their
sharp tongue and vicious words. This can be a configuration complete within an
individual or brought together by electromagnetics in relationship. Either way, it is an
energy that requires awareness. It is NOT personal, simply energy. A relationship
strategy of breaking auric space will help when the tongues lose control…as they can and

The 34/20 – The Channel of Power and Charisma

This is the most powerful channel in the Human Design system, sustainable, generated
energy to the throat. This channel is the archetype of the Manifesting Generator. Power
and Charisma are contained within the channel but notice how, in spite of the connection
of a motor to the throat, we have Sacral energy generated.

That means, that, even though these people are very, very powerful in a sustainable way,
they can not truly live out their powerful destiny unless they respond. If they are
initiating with power and charisma, they will get into big trouble and no one will follow
them. The 34/20 who is not living their power and charisma is very, very frustrated.
Inside, they KNOW how powerful they are but they can’t move that energy unless they

The big energetic task of the 34/20 is to manifest thoughts into deeds but only in
response. Of course, with the 34 to the throat through the 20, once these people are
activated they can be very busy bringing things into form. But, strategy is key here. The
34/20 who is not waiting or the 34/20 without access to the intuition of the 57 or the
knowingness of the 34/20 can be very, very busy following idea after idea and burning
out their throat and thyroid being busy but achieving nothing. This is potentially the Don
Quixote channel, busy, busy, busy chasing windmills unless directed by the 57 or the

In the evolution of the hominid, the 34/20 evolved after intuitive survival. The 34/20 is
Life Force generated to the throat. It is deeds (the doing of the Sacral) to the throat.
Actions that are not only based on survival but in sustainable Life Force Energy.

The Gate 20
Traditional I’Ching Name: Contemplation
Human Design Name: The Gate of Metamorphosis
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Biology: The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

This is a powerful gate. It is the gate which brings the entire Integration Circuit to the
Throat therefore dictating the expression (or not) of intuitive awareness to right action.
The Gate 20 has the potential to meet with empowerment, the Self, intuition, power and
life force in a mutative way. It is an individual voice that can mutate, empower or
stagnate and disempower. Remember, not all individual voices can be adaptive.

When the 20 acts in it highest expression, it is the expression of integrity, doing the right
thing, even if it isn’t what others are doing. This can mean wearing green face paint in
the forest when others are wearing bright pink or any other kind of “right” action that
may be going against the flow.

Because the 20 is the expression of Integration is has within it inherent wisdom. In the
traditional I’Ching, the 20th hexagram is the wise king standing on a hill, watching the
wind to see which direction it will settle on before he takes action. As part of integration,
the 20 takes time to express its wisdom. It watches and waits to express its Higher
knowledge, insight and awareness. It metamorphoses awareness and recognition into

The 20 also recognizes the talents and the skills of others. The 20 is the great art critic or
publisher, intuitively knowing the highest expression of awareness and self-expression.

The 10/20 – The Channel of Awakening

The Channel of Awakening is the last channel to evolve in the evolution of the hominid
into human. With the Channel of Awakening comes the perfection of the Self in the now.
This is the ultimate expression through the 20 of individuation. But, notice that it is
totally projected. The expression of individuation and empowerment is not recognized
until it is invited out.

The Guru does not know he is awake unless you ask him. Until asked, he is just sitting
with his eyes closed in the cave.

People with the 20/10 have some unique challenges. First of all the 20/10 is the energetic
configuration of the “verbal gunslinger”, known for their sharp tongues and wit. This
energy, when not invited can be energetically repulsive and has the double effect of also
being very painful for the person expressing this energy as this is a voice directly rooted
in the Identity, making him very vulnerable to criticism.

Of course, this channel can also be the highest expression of Integration. Awareness and
wisdom rooted in the self, when lived out purely as itself, is ultimately the most
empowering energy in the chart. Simply by living strategy and being themselves, the
20/10 can empower others to do the same, the highest expression of indivuality and

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