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The real situation is that, nowadays, we are encouraged to be impulse shoppers, I mean, we

pass a vast amount of our time buying unnecessary things. It is one of the pillars of
contemporary capitalism and brings to us diverse consequences.

First, my insight is that situation influences on our wellbeing. The impulse shopper profile is
one who need to buy all the time. So, he or she never had her/his necessities fulfilled. In this
way, when capitalism show to us that we need to buy this or that product it creates in
ourselves a sensation of emptiness that must be filled. Then, if we learn to recognise our truly
necessities we won’t live in a continuous state of anxiety.

This brings with it a more ethical consumption that can produce positive effects on the
environment. So, consumption and consequences in our environment is the second topic that I
want to point out.

Well, our economy runs through product’s demand. So, if our society is constantly required
new products, entertainments will create these products. For this, they need to use a lot of
matter that comes from nature. For example, water, . This implies some damage in our

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