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Dear Ella,

You don’t know how emotional that it is for me to receive this email, it’s very wonderful that
you think of me for advising you in this difficult and amazing decision. Is it your time to go to
the University? Things move quickly!

Well, the first thing I have to metion to you is that doesn’t exist the correct solution so
whatever you decide I’m very sure all things will go well. Likewise, you have to take your time
for choose the decision that is better for you.

Having said that, two things you have to bear in mind, in my opinion. First, you have to talk
with your parents. I mean, is there enough money to spend your University time abroad? What
type of flats your parents can pay? This is a very important theme because opt for a University
in a different town implies a vast amount of money and you have to be very conscious about
this. Secondly, do you know What do you want to study? Is this degree better in your town or
out of it?

Personally, I have to say that study in other town was one of the best experiences in my
student life. Why? The University let you to entry in other lifestyle similar to adult life: other
routines, responsibilities and different student’s profiles.

So there you have it, Ella. I hope this will help you but remember you cand send me all the
emails that you need it!

Very best wishes,


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