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The 2019 Technology Issues

Brad Smith’s technology article mainly revolves around tech growth, data protection,

collaborations between states, trade wars, and the emergence of artificial intelligence and its

relation to various economies, views which I concur with. Thus, this article will further delve

into two points that is the tech trade wars between the US and China and AI technology, which I

feel the article should have given a more profound look at.

The spread of AI technology will be directed by a particular nation’s interest and the

state of the job market. The writer has given an example of Japan and South Korea, where a

population decline threatens the prosperity of the two economies, and therefore, AI technology

could be the solution (Smith). It is good to understand that the population decline may not be the

only catalyst to the spread of the technology in such nations but rather also the market entry

barriers. For instance, Japan is the only country where Japanese is spoken as the national

language while as for South Korea, the only other country that shares the same language to it is

its neighbor, North Korea. Unlike most countries who use their local language(s) plus either

English or Spanish, countries with a declining population coupled with a language entry barrier

would be best suited by AI technology. The availability of cheap labor could also be an issue

determining the spread of AI technology in a particular region. For instance, even though China

is the only country which Chinese is the national language, the country’s a billion plus

population ensures availability of labor at an affordable price thus setting its part from the likes
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of Japan and South Korea despite the language barrier characteristic. Therefore, the spread of AI

technology will be determined by multiple factors that are distinct to a particular country’s state

of the job market as well as the economy.

China and the US have engaged in a series of trade wars with the latest being the cutting

of Huawei from the Android platform along with banning US firms from selling their products to

the firm. So far, the East has seen the emergence of economies able to bring reliable products to

the global market at affordable prices from electronics, clothing, automotive amongst others in

comparison to the US. Therefore, competition between China and the US could see the consumer

enjoy complex and diverse AI technologies as the two nations continue to outdo each other.
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Work Cited

Smith, Brad. "Today In Technology: The Top 10 Tech Issues For 2019". Linkedin.Com, 2019,

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