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Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense indicates an action which is completed at a definite time in the past.
Kalimat Nominal Kalimat Verbal
Kalimat Affirmatif S + was/were + adj/adverb/noun + … S + V2 + O + adv + …
Kalimat Negatif S + was/were + not + adj/adverb/noun + … S + did not(din’t) + V1 + O + adj + …
Kalimat Interogatif Was/were + S adj/adverb/noun + …? Did + S + V1 + O + adv + …
Note To be “was” digunakan untuk subjek “I,
he, she, it”.
To be “Were digunakan untuk subjek
“You, they, we”.
Example (+) Mr. Mustofa was sick yesterday. (+) They studied English last night.
(-) Mr. Mustofa was not sick yesterday. (-) They didn’t study English last night.
(?) Was Mr. Mustofa sick yesterday? (?) Did they study English last night?

(+) They were angry. (+) Hani went to Beach last week.
(-) They were not angry. (-) Hani didn’t go to Beach last week.
(?) Were they angry? (?) Did Hani go to Beach last week?

Kata Kerja (Verb) yang digunakan dalam Past tense adalah Kata Kerja bentuk kedua(past).
Kata kerja dibagi menjadi dua yaitu Regular verbs dan Irregular verbs.
• Regular Verbs (Kata kerja beraturan) ditambah akhiran –ed
Contoh: Play menjadi played; Stop menjadi stopped; Watch menjadi watched
• Irregular Verbs (kata kerja tak beraturan) yaitu kata kerja yang tidak memakai kaidah
tambahan -ed, akan tetapi bentuknya tak tentu atau berubah-ubah.
Contoh: Sing menjadi sang; Go menjadi went; Cut masih utuh cut
Kata Keterangan waktu (Aderb of time) yang digunakan biasanya: Yesterday, One hour ago,
Last night, this morning, Last week.

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