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In my opinion, travel on your own is it better to go on a package tour.

Firstly, it
helps to save money. When traveling alone, you can decide everything to suit
your budget such as choosing a hotel with a budget price, eating the food you like
at a reasonable price. and choose the tickets to the game area you want. Second,
you can control your time. You will be free to explore according to your
preferences, stay here a little longer if you like and can skip the places you don't
like, if tired you can rest. You will not have to follow the packed schedule of the
given tours. Third, self-sufficient travel will help you become more mature. When
traveling with others, it can often be easy to fall back and turn to them for
support when things don't go according to plan. When you travel alone, you can
make difficult decisions regarding any challenges faced. More than that, you can
learn new things and believe in yourself more. You'll also learn to embrace the
unknown when traveling alone, instead of dreading it. Fear of the unknown is one
of the most common causes of anxiety. Solo travel helps you conquer this fear by
forcing you to accept that you will be able to get through whatever comes your
way. When you return home from a solo trip, you will feel see themselves as
invincible. Solo travel changes your priorities and you learn to put yourself first.
This will make you less afraid of the world. Once you've finished traveling solo,
you'll realize how self-sufficient you can be. This will help improve your
confidence, reduce anxiety, and restore confidence in yourself. I believe travel on
your own is it better to go on a package tour.

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