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Gender Discrimination Portrayed in the Societies

Femininity, in this modern era, is still a mystification to many across the globe. How
charming it sights to feast one’s eye on the bloke applying foundation on an actress
back-stage, and how petrifying it is to imagine a village boy acid-attacking a girl in the
name of love.

Norms in the east have always deprived women their fundamental rights, and this gets
even worse when one glances at its rural setup. Her miserable life starts from the very
beginning when the likelihood of abortion looms on her even before she is born, as a
girl is thought to bring disgrace to her family. If this poor girl is fortunate enough, she
manages to breathe the air. When she becomes able to hold things, she is provided with
mop and broomstick instead of glowing pencils and fancy comic books that every kid
fetches. Her greedy eyes watch her brother go to school but she can’t ask as she is
bound to suffer indignities of co-education. Denial of knowledge does not only make
her an incompetent society member but all her offspring to come, and that goes on.

As she becomes an adolescent, she starts to fear the menace of child marriage. It hasn’t
passed until yet when she falls in love. If she does a love marriage, the family will
honour-kill her and if utters No to the love of her life, she will face an acid attack. As she
makes a decision, it does not end here as domestic violence is awaiting to embrace her
for the entire life.

In a nutshell, gender discrimination in the east is dreadful and requires immediate


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