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Forensics Accounting and Fraud Investigation Final Requirement

1. Differentiate Fraud Triangle vs Fraud Diamond vs Fraud Pentagon.

2. According to the recent global study of occupational fraud and abuse ―Report to The
Nation 2020, the absence of internal control renders businesses with increased vulnerability
to fraud, ranking first among other fraud risk factors by as much as 32% (ACFE, 2020). How
can an internal control system prevent the occurrence of fraud?
3. Is Ponzi scheme fraudulent? Why or why not?
4. What is the common denominator of the following American corporate scandals:
 Enron
 WorldCom
 Tyco International

Tip: Summarize the profile of each company, its background and activities that lead to their
respective downfall and come up with a common feature/situation.

5. Make a digest highlighted in the following journals/ articles relevant to the course.
 Inside agency: The rise and fall of Nortel. Fogarty, T., Magnan, M., Markarian, G., &
Bohdjalian, S. (2009)
 Corporate collapses in Australia: Case of Harris Scarfe. Kavrar, O., & Yilmaz, B. (2017)
 Corporate governance and financial fraud of Wirecard. Jo, H., Hsu, A., Llanos-Popolizio,
R., & Vergara-Vega, J. (2021)

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